Thursday, May 22, 2014

Marriage Day Advice

Nine months ago from today I sat next to the man perfect for me in one of the sealing rooms of the Salt Lake Temple. In that room full of our close family and friends was our sealer Elder Richard E. Cook (former General Authority) and his dear wife Sister Mary N. Cook (former 1st counselor of the YW General Presidency). In front of everyone our sealer gave us ten pieces of marriage advice that Danny and I absolutely loved. The only problem was that by the end of the night and for the last nine months Danny and I have only been able to remember two of the ten suggestions; so I was very excited for what happened this week.
On Monday morning I was heading towards the Salt Lake Temple for my cousin’s sealing (my first temple ceremony since my own nine months before) when I ran into both Elder Richard E. Cook and Sister Mary N. Cook. I was embarrassed to admit that I had forgotten nearly all of the advice given to which Sister Cook responded “I’m surprised you remember anything at all from that day!” which made me feel better. They took my phone number and then last night in my email inbox I received this following in an attachment.
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To Gina and Daniel Ferguson
As wonderful as this new and everlasting covenant of marriage is it does not guarantee happiness. It is a wonderful start, but you must work, work, work at it. If you want something to last forever, you treat it differently. I would like to give you some advice that I have found will be helpful in making this marriage last forever:

  1. Your most important priority is sitting next to you: Gina, Daniel is now your most important priority; Daniel, Gina is now your most important priority . . . not your parents, not your children, not your work, not your church callings.
  2. As you get into this marriage you’ll learn new things, mostly little things that you didn't know about one another. Close your eyes halfway. Do not try to remake your choice. Take President Monson’s advice: “Choose your love. Love your choice.” Elder Scott told us in conference “if you want a wonderful spouse, you BE a wonderful spouse.”
  3. Search for the good in your spouse and then compliment him or her on the good you see. Never get tired of this; it never goes out of style.
  4. Never get so angry you sleep in separate rooms.
  5. Be generous in giving priesthood blessings, Daniel.
  6. Pray together at least twice per day. Take your love to your family and your problems to the Lord.
  7. Be fiercely loyal to one another; Never, never talk about each other behind their back to anyone!
  8. Take care of your health; stay fit and you’ll need to help each other.
  9. Stay out of debt. “We pay for things we don’t need, with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.”
  10. You will be given a copy of the Family Proclamation. Underline in a bright color this sentence in the Proclamation: “Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.” Make these teaching the foundation of this marriage.
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I love that they had this typed up for us and now with it framed this advice will never go forgotten again.