Monday, August 28, 2023

Two Little Climbers

Welp never thought this would happen to us quite honestly. Rylee is the first out of five kids to climb out of the crib. Despite always hearing other parents talk about having to transition out of cribs early we've always felt lucky that we've never had a climber before. Apparently until now. And not only do we have a climber but we now possibly have two little climbers. Quinn followed suit a couple of days after Rylee first started but we're not entirely sure that Quinn even knows she does it. 

Story time: We don't have a video of Quinn climbing out because hers happened in the middle of the night at 3am. I woke up to what I thought was someone walking up and down our hallway. I waited for Addie or Grant to be walking into our room but no one ever did. I wasn't able to go back to sleep and thirty minutes later I was still awake lost in my thoughts when I heard something again. This time I nudged Danny and told him that I was hearing noises. We both heard what sounded like a door opening and closing so I looked in the monitor and thought I could see that everyone was in their beds which only freaked me out. The monitor screen then scanned back to the twins' room and it turns out that Quinn was not in her bed. I was looking at her room monitor when I could see a little girl opening the bedroom door and I of course assumed it was Rylee. She had learned how to climb out of her crib two days before and the thought that it could be Quinn didn't even cross my mind but then when I was putting the monitor down to get out of bed my eyes caught on the image of Rylee who was still asleep in her bed. I was so shocked because then I knew it was Quinn. I ran to her room and found her by the door looking so out of it. I picked her up and we had a little cuddle session before I placed her back in her bed. I was not able to go back to sleep after that for quite awhile because all I could think about was the fact that she must have been the cause of the noises I was hearing in the halls thirty minutes before we discovered it was her. I couldn't help but imagine how scared she must have been feeling to climb out of her crib for the first time ever only to find that it was the middle of the night and the entire house was dark and quiet with none of the familiar faces around that she's used to seeing. I was surprised she hadn't been crying. Somehow I did get to sleep and sometime after 5am I heard her again getting out of her room and into the hall. I went to her quickly and she still seemed so out of it. It's been a day since that happened and neither of the twins have climbed out since (despite the fact that Rylee had done it a handful of times up to that point) but now that I have had some sleep and I'm able to think more clearly I truly believe that she could have been sleep walking. Danny thinks so too. We had given them half of a melatonin gummy that night and I don't know if it was a side effect or something but she really didn't seem like herself. Plus we're a little familiar with sleep walking because Addie does it. We haven't given it to them since and it might not be any correlation between the two but it was definitely an interesting night. I don't even know if Quinn knows that she did it. Needless to say it's been an interesting week here. If they do continue climbing we'll definitely have to say goodbye to the cribs for good which will be so weird since we've had one in use by a baby or toddler since 2014. 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Back To School!

They're back in school and so excited for it. The only tears that were shed were from Rylee when she realized Grant wasn't staying home to play. Here's to a great start for kindergarten, first grade and third grade. And hopefully a full month before those never ending school colds start finding their way into our home. 📚

All three school kids got up bright and early but only Addie and Hudson left the house with Danny this morning. The kindergartners are starting thirty minutes after the rest of the students just for today so Grant stayed back while I woke up Rylee and Quinn from their sleep. They were so confused about what was happening. They didn't know why the others weren't home and why we were leaving so early in the day with just us and Grant. They loved seeing familiar characters on backpacks though which was so cute. They pointed out every Minnie Mouse, Pikachu and Bluey that they could see.
Grant met up with Noah and Rylynn and then I took a quick picture with me and him before he joined his friends in line. His best buddy Noah isn't in his class this year but he does have two good friends from church who are in his class which was awesome. Us moms were all pretty excited that our three little boys would all be in the same class with the same teacher. It's going to be a really good year for them. This was the part that Rylee became sad. He went inside the school and she did not want to leave. It wasn't until I asked if she wanted to watch Minnie Mouse that she was excited about walking back to the car.
The girls did have a fun time today though with their own playdates. We went to our friend's house who lives in our neighborhood and when I asked if the girls wanted to sit in Addie's seat for a minute they couldn't stop beaming and giggling. It was super cute. Hopefully they know this is not a thing that is going to happen frequently though (safety first 😊) but look at those cute little faces below.
They are now down for a nap and I'm here looking at pictures until these three come back home. I can't wait to hear all about it.
(Picture from last night of their backpacks)

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Texas State Dinner

Texas State University hosted their annual faculty dinner and we were so excited to attend it again. I was a little worried that it would be too hot because we've been dealing with excessive heat temperatures for the past two months but it wasn't too bad! There was plenty of shade which made the heat a little bearable. These days we'll take any shade we can find. Last year we ate right on the field. This year we opted for the stadium seats which worked out well. The big bounce houses were right in the kids line of vision which helped them eat faster. They loved the different obstacle races. The twins are still too little for that kind of fun but they didn't mind. They just loved running the field. It was a late night but it was a good night. We really need nights like that every now and then.

These two pictures below were taken only a year ago yet they are look sooo little!!
What a difference in just one year.