Danny and I have been celebrating our first year of marriage
with month-aversaries. I’m not sure if they will continue but so far it’s been
1st month-aversary (September)
We went on
our first small get away to his family cabin in Heber. We stayed for the
weekend and it turns out that their cabin is literally five minutes away from
my family cabin. It’s cool to think that we could have spent summers within
minutes of each other and we didn’t even know it. Another cool fact is that our
grandparents know each other from being in the same branch. It was also the
first snowfall of the season and I caught my first fish.
2nd month-aversary (October)
Have you
heard of a Halloween cruise? I hadn’t before so I figured the odds were good
that Danny hadn’t either. I told him I had something planned but I didn’t tell
him what exactly. He came home to clothes laid out on the bed and brownies in
the kitchen (the brownies helped since I also got a speeding ticket that day .
. . oops). We went down the Provo River on a boat while listening to Halloween
stories. It probably won’t be a new tradition since this year our baby girl
will be less than a month old.
3rd month-aversary (November)
His parents
bought tickets for everyone to see the new Catching Fire movie that night and I
had to work a double shift at work so I decided to wake up at 2am and post 100
love notes on his office wall. I knew he would see it while I was at work but
what I didn’t know was that he had a surprise of his own. I drove straight to
the movie theater from work and wasn’t able to go home until after the movie.
That night he had set up a tent in the living room. I loved it so much I
insisted that it stay up for almost a week.
4th month-aversary (December)
Danny won
us free movie tickets from a Gap contest and he was nice enough to let me
choose the movie. I really wanted to see Frozen so I dragged him to that but in
the end I know he loved it too.
5th month-aversary (January)
Danny had a
bowling and ice cream date planned that night for the two of us but
unfortunately I didn’t want to go. This was the night we found out we were
pregnant so I just wanted to stay at home and be with each other. Looking back
now though I should have said yes to the ice cream.
6th month-aversary (February)
My cousin
Allen and his wife gave us a pretty cool picnic basket for a wedding gift and
even though it was winter I still wanted to use it. I decorated our place with
Christmas lights and had fried chicken and rice ready for him. I also had
brownies baked for him again in case he said no to the chick flick I had picked
out (brownies are his weakness and I love it).
7th month-aversary (March)
Our seventh
month-aversary was cut short. We started out miniature golfing but then left
early because I was starting to not feel so good. As soon as Danny got to the
restaurant parking lot to get me food I got out of the car and . . . got sick .
. . all over the parking lot. Once again I ruined a date that Danny had planned
but it was the thought that counted and I love that he is willing to plan dates
for us.
8th month-aversary (April)
officially changed my last name from Rueckert to Ferguson and it only took me
eight months to get around to it. Danny and I decided to celebrate eight months
by sharing it with our friend Courtney and his cousin Jordan. Danny and
Jordan’s favorite burger and shakes place is called Dairy King which is in
Heber and that place does not disappoint. We then ended the night at our place playing games until they had to leave.
I got this message from him that day :) |
9th month-aversary (May)
Danny had
just come home from a trip to Cleveland, Ohio and one of the things that he
wanted to do was go to the golf driving range. It was my first time watching
him golf and surprisingly I had fun. Too bad he broke one of his clubs that day
10th month-aversary (June)
We had both
wanted to go to the new aquarium in Draper since it opened in March and we
finally made it happen. Danny is doing a biology internship there so we were
able to go for free. After walking around the exhibit he took me to Rodizio
Grill for amazing Brazilian food. This definitely was one of my favorite dates.
11th month-aversary (July)
Danny loves
anything that has to do with water so for our month-aversary we spent the day
at Utah Lake. I hadn’t gone fishing with Danny since our cabin trip so we
decided it would be good to renew his fishing license and get me one as well.
We might have gone a little over board because then Danny let me buy my own
fishing pole and lots of little fishing supplies that I still don’t understand.
My favorite part of this date was the canoe ride he had planned. Spending the
day at Utah Lake in July while pregnant in the third trimester was beyond hot
but I would do anything to be with him.
Upcoming 1 year anniversary date (August)
I’ve been
to Wicked twice and Danny has never been before so I bought tickets for the
show on August 22nd and then we’ll spend the night at the
Anniversary Inn in Salt Lake City. I seriously cannot wait. J