Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Miss Addie Rae

Yesterday marked one whole week since you were born and we got to hold you for the first time in our arms. It’s only been eight days and yet we are already so obsessed with you. It’s a good thing you were born with cute chubby cheeks because between Danny and I (plus our families) you will never have a short supply of hugs and kisses.

I hear of people who say they wish they could go back in time to give advice to their younger selves; well I know this sounds crazy but I almost feel like I have that chance with you. You look so much like my baby self it’s surreal. Daddy says you got your gassy smells from him but that’s okay because your daddy is one great guy.
You have a future with unlimited opportunities and it does not matter to us what university you attend (go Utes!), what career path you choose or whether or not you decide to travel the world. What does matter is that you believe KNOW that you are a daughter of God. Daddy and I will make sure you are taught this but there will come a time where you will have to find out for yourself if this is true. You will be taught the power of prayer so that no matter where you are you will always know that the ability to get help, comfort and answers from God is real. We love you very much, thank you for joining our family.
Your daddy and I vow to always be the best parents we can be to you. I can’t say that we will be perfect but I can guarantee that you’ll feel loved. You are more than just a tiny little person to us, you are our daughter.
I have already seen so many changes in your daddy and I. For instance never in a million years would I have pictured us to be so quick to wipe away spit up or change a dirty diaper. We don’t even get mad at you for demanding food every two to three hours in the middle of the night or complain about the fact that our laundry is piling up faster than before. For the next several many years leaving the house will never be an easy simple task and that’s okay because you mean everything to us. If we were to take the above examples and apply them to anyone else it would not be the same outcome. For example if someone else were to disrupt our sleep for milk several times a night that person would get kicked out of our place so fast they wouldn’t know what hit them. But like I said you are more than just a little person, you are ours. You mean everything to us and for the time being we mean everything to you. We love you miss Addie Rae and that’s never going to change.

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