Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas To My Wife

Growing up, whenever I thought of marriage I thought of a husband and wife that were meant to be together, were always happy, never fought, and never ever disagreed about anything. Now that I have grown up, and have learned a little more about love I understand that is not the case. Marriage is wonderful at times and hard at other times, but all in all it is very much worth it.
I am a believer that you could marry anybody, and live happily ever after. However, in order for this to happen a lot of hard work goes into making that happen. You may find someone that makes it easy, you may find someone that makes it hard. When you find that person, and you love them do whatever you can to make it work; if you do it will be amazing, wonderful, and bring you so much joy in your life. I am glad that in my life, I was able to find someone I work well with and who makes marriage mostly easy. 
I got lucky with my wife Gina. She is the most important person in my whole entire life, the things I would do to make her happy are endless, and the love I feel for her is the same. It is crazy to think that I have been married to her for a little over two years; what is more crazy is that two years ago I thought I loved her. The truth is, I did, but now I think as my marriage grows, my ability to love her has grown as well. I feel that my love for her is so much more than it was two years ago. I cannot wait to see where we are ten years from now to look back at these times and think the exact same thing. I cannot wait for our family to keep on growing, I love seeing my wife be a mom, and she is the best mother for our little daughter Addisyn. It brings me so much joy seeing them together. I hope that as our family grows our kids may learn at least two things. The first thing is that they learn to love the Lord and trust with all their hearts. Second, I hope they know how much I love their mother. I love her so much, she is the cool to my whip, the stars in the sky and the apple of my eye. I love you Gina, I hope you have a Merry Christmas. 

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