Monday, February 1, 2016

Biggest Fan

In the last month Addie has gone from 40 to 60 words. At some point I should probably stop keeping track of each thing she does but she seriously blows me away with everything she can do. I'm okay knowing that I'm one of those moms. She's going to grow up knowing that I am her biggest fan. Lately she's been working on pointing out body parts and making animal noises. She can show you where her hair, eyes, nose, teeth, ears, feet, hands and belly are. She makes the funniest sound effects for when she shows you where her belly is.

Danny decided he wanted to start skyping with us before she goes to bed since he's at work. So I managed to get a video of her showing him some animal sounds. I realized a couple of weeks ago that she still doesn't quite know what each animal is but she has the general idea of what it looks like. For example about a little while ago she handed me the 101 Dalmatians DVD case and was saying "moo!". She thought the dalmatian puppies were little cows. It was too cute to correct her.

On Skype with Daddy
Addie has been able to mimic both puppy and monkey noises since around ten months old and shortly after learned how to meow like a cat. Recently in the last three weeks she has picked up noises for cow, horse, sheep and bird. I can't wait for the weather to get warmer so that she can spend more time outside on the Ferguson family farm, I feel like she'll love the animals even more than she did last summer, which is saying something because she really loved the animals.

Here's the video of her Skyping her Daddy.
I guess she was being too silly to show him her actual monkey noise that night. :)
And a little bonus short clip of her playing with her Daddy again.

Her last 20 words:
Nana (bananas)
Love you
Throw it
Wa Wa (my fault - I handed her a sippy cup of water and called it that and then it stuck)
Georgia (I tend her baby cousin Georgia Navy every week)
Choo choo (we live right next to the train tracks)

*She's been working on hot, hat and Polly but doesn't know these words well enough to count yet.*

I think it's pretty obvious how impressed and in love I am with our little one. I'll say it again, one might be my new favorite age.

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