Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Baby Fergy

Is a . . .

Boy! Our little peanut is a boy! I went into my appointment today with no idea what gender it would be. I thought I would have a feeling or at least a guess but nope nothing.

I need to apologize to my little man though because for about two full months I referred to this baby as a she. I even called him Rylee (our girl name) during that time. Remember the Father's Day card I had for Danny from Addie? Well I also wrote that it was from Rylee haha. I think I was trying to convince myself we were having a girl. So I'm sorry little guy. Funny thing is that my very first thought after finding out I was pregnant was 'it's a boy'. I should've stuck with my motherhood intuition. :)

I had stopped referring him as a her about a month ago and I really had no idea what to think when it came to the gender. With Addie I just had a feeling she was a girl so I thought I would have some kind of a feeling this time around too. To find out this baby is a boy was pretty cool. Wow, one of each. I'm excited.

We were lucky today that we even got to find out the gender because this little boy would not cooperate during the ultrasound. We have to go back in a month for another scan where they hope he'll position himself better so they can get a clear visualization on all his organs and measurements. He was content staying curled up in a little ball today. One of my favorite shots of him is a close up of his little hand holding onto his toes. I'm not kidding when I say he was curled up in there. Good thing he finally stretched because that's when we got the one shot of his boy part. There's no mistake about it, this babe is definitely a boy. I'm excited knowing I'll get to see him again four weeks from now for a follow up ultrasound. Until then I'll just stare at the pictures we did get. :)
This pic is a little funny. His head is out of view to the bottom left and it shows his hand reaching down to his 'area'. Total boy.
Leaving the hospital.
I told her the news through blue suckers.
Our first boy purchases.
Big sister Addie.

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