Monday, December 12, 2016

Dear Son


I wasn't exactly planning on a December baby when we first started trying for you. In fact I wanted you here months earlier but I can't complain because I'm just so happy to finally have you in my arms. You're my first born son and I'm so excited for the possibilities that is your future.

You are the answer to many of my prayers. You are also the answer to prayers I didn't know I needed to say. I had no idea that you were going to be tangled in cords or that there would be a knot in it. I would've been a wreck this entire pregnancy had I known so I'm thankful you were watched over.

You're ten days old so this next thought might be a little premature but I'll say it anyway, I have a feeling you're a mama's boy. I love it. You find comfort in my arms and I find comfort holding you. It would be nice however to lay you down at night in your own bassinet but I know this phase of sleepless nights won't last forever.

Your daddy and I will teach you all we can to help you grow up to be the best version of you that you can be. Our world is changing drastically year by year but we'll teach you that morals do not. I hope you turn out to be a fine gentleman with respect to others. I have no doubt that you are here for a reason and a purpose to fulfill.

Hudson I love you and I wanted you long before I knew of you. Your father loves you and your sister loves you. Thank you for joining our family.

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