Friday, May 5, 2017

Danny is a Grad!!

Today has been an amazing day! Danny has officially graduated from Utah Valley University and I couldn't be more proud of him than I already am. He has worked so hard in his studies! I can't even count how many Saturday mornings he'd be at the library trying to cram extra studying hours into his week. That was on top of him already being at school all week long and studying all throughout his evening work shifts. This next year will be better as far as time that I get to spend with him with no worries lingering over our heads from the thought of an upcoming exam or presentation scheduled. For the first time in our married lives I won't have to share him with textbooks and flashcards. Well, this isn't entirely true because he will be spending the next several months still studying for the GRE but hey I'm still excited to have him home more compared to what it has been. I'll take what I can get time wise. :)

We woke up early today to be at his graduation ceremony which started at 8am. Addie was pretty groggy for a little bit because she's exactly like me (the opposite of a morning person) and Hudson woke up with huge smiles on his face (he's a morning person like his daddy). Donna and Jaina met us here at our place while I finished getting the kids ready and then we went together to the UVU Event Center and found us some seats on the second row right next to the stage. Dave sadly had to miss the ceremony today because of work and wanted to be here for Danny. The kids did well during the presentation of the diplomas. There was an instant though where Addie's beloved binky fell through the seats which I worried might be an issue for her if we weren't able to retrieve it. I told Addie that today might just have to be a graduation from the broken pacifier but to her luck Grandma was able to find it after the ceremony and saved the day.

We took some pictures outside before going out for lunch at the Olive Garden. This restaurant has turned into our go to place for special events. Danny and I both went there when we returned from our missions, celebrated our engagement there and we've spent each one of our anniversaries eating there so it only seemed fitting to continue on our little tradition. 
To make this day even more perfect, if possible, is that tonight is the last night that I'll have to wait up past 10:00pm every night waiting for Danny's shift to end. Hallelujah! Starting next week Danny will be home every day by 5pm. I'm so excited for this new change!

Here are some more pictures of a few surprises I had planned for Danny's graduation.
I had ordered donuts to spell UVU Grad and they were ready right after Danny's last presentation.
That G looks more like a C to me :)
Surprise picture for Danny.
He left a drool mark on this sash.
My last surprise to Danny was what I dressed the kids in. I had them customed ordered by a friend from my childhood home ward and I loved the way they turned out.

Danny we are so proud of you!!

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