Friday, December 29, 2017

December Joys

This post will be a bit scattered but we were able to spend a lot of time as a family this month. Danny has the whole month off before the next semester starts in January and the kids and I have really enjoyed having him at home with us.

Aquarium (12.11.17)
They had a little ELF scavenger hunt with little Elfs hidden throughout the displays. Addie loved it.
Dr. Ogden's Lab Christmas Party (12.15.17)
Hudson wasn't feeling well so I stayed home with him while Danny took Addie to this party. She did great until it was time to leave which she didn't want to do. She loved having Daddy Addie time though.
Ward Christmas Breakfast (12.16.17)
First visit with Santa this season and Hudson was not a fan.
Rueckert Family Christmas Party (12.17.17)
We didn't take any pictures here but we did share our baby news to my parents after the party was finished. They were excited and had the best reactions. I also told my brother Jared as I was leaving and Pollyanna of course has known for weeks now. :)
Provo Riverwoods Lights (12.19.17)
Danny had interviews with both the bishop and the stake president this night for his BYU grad school application so I took both kids and met Jill, Mike and Georgia at the Riverwoods where we saw lights, rode a train and saw Santa again. Hudson was still not a fan.
Sickness (12.21.17)
There's been a horrible sickness going around and Hudson got it. Poor kid. There was a lot of puking going around and we really hope it doesn't spread to others in our family.

Extended Rueckert Christmas Party (12.23.17)
Addie joined this table all on her own and tried to include herself in the game they were playing.
Spanish Fork Lights (12.29.17)
I'm not sure how much Hudson was able to see from his car seat but Addie was in heaven! This is our second year coming to this and one we plan to continue as long as we live near here. The videos below are purely so I can remember the excitement in Addie's cute little voice.

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