Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Baby Bean's Name Dilemma

We always had Grant as a name option for baby Bean but it was never set in stone. I even bought a onesie that said Grant on it and the same week that it was delivered his name changed to Brigham. I personally liked Brigham because the morning we found out Baby Bean's brain cyst was gone was the day Danny was officially accepted into BYU and I thought it would be a cool connection. However shortly after that we both started considering Leo as his name. We went through hundreds and hundreds of names but it always came back to those top three names (Grant, Brigham - Briggs - and Leo). I'm not even exaggerating when I say hundreds. One Sunday afternoon we were driving to Mapleton and on the way I read through a list of 200 names to Danny and he didn't like any of them. We also had an app earlier in the pregnancy where Danny and I would go through a list and if we came across a name that we liked we were to swipe right on the name. It would alert us if Danny and I ever got a match on a name that we both liked and swiped right on. Well Danny and I got zero matches. We could not agree on anything. What was hard for me was that I gave Danny full naming rights since I got my way with Hudson's name and it was killing me that we didn't have a name figured out yet.

We decided that we would wait to see the baby and decide then if he looked like a Leo, Brigham or Grant. I thought that it would just take one look at him and we would instantly know. Well what I learned is that a baby looks like a baby haha. He didn't look like any certain name. At least not for Danny and I. Our families came and saw baby Bean in the hospital and couldn't believe that we still didn't have a name for him. Everyone seemed to have an opinion though. My dad and Pollyanna liked Grant, Debbie, Ammon and Lamoni liked Brigham, and most of Danny's siblings liked Leo. After everyone left the hospital Danny and I said a family prayer in the room for inspiration on what name we should go with. We prayed and asked if Grant was his name. Later that night after Danny was back home and our kids were in bed we were able to Facetime each other and we both started to think that maybe Leo should be his name. We decided to sleep on it but the next day we still didn't really know. On the third morning before we were to be discharged we decided that we'd go with the name we'd regret not using. We figured that if we wanted to use Grant as a name then now would be the time to use it. We looked at different scenarios as well. If this baby is our last baby then I felt that Danny would regret not using it since in my heart I knew that was the name he preferred for Hudson and didn't get to use it. We also thought about what name we'd likely use later on if this is not our last baby. Right now we believe we are done having kids however if this changes then we already know that a very likely middle name for a future boy would be Thomas so we tried matching our names with Thomas as a middle name. We felt like Leo and Brigham both worked with Thomas as a middle name but Grant Thomas just didn't flow as nicely as the other two or as well as it did with Grant Alexander. We filled out his birth certificate on July 27th and he was officially named Grant Alexander Ferguson. Now that he's named Grant it feels right. He's Grant and a cute one too. :)

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