Monday, March 25, 2019

Hello Thirty


I feel like this is a big birthday and I wanted to do something big to celebrate it. Unfortunately that didn't happen and I won't go into details about it but yes I was very sad and disappointed with how it went. I tried to keep my spirits up though and I ended the day at the park with my family. I enjoyed myself as I chased my two older little kids around the playground and it was nice to act carefree and young even though I was hurting inside.
I will say though that my dad came through for me in a very big way. Weeks ago I had asked him for a special gift. I told him that this year my wish was to have him record his thoughts with my adoption and birth story. I really wanted to know from his point of view how it went and wanted that story documented for my own personal records. He definitely delivered and it made me so happy. In fact he stayed up until past 2am getting it done for me so that he could personally hand it to me on my birthday eve. I love my dad and I love that he did this for me. :) 

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