Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020 Goals

This year the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is implementing a new program centered on goals in four different areas - spiritual, social, intellectual and physical. Danny and I are both very big on goal setting and writing down goals to help us achieve them. For most of our marriage we have started off every year making goals and sharing them with one another. This year we're focusing our goals in these four areas and we will be checking in with one another on a weekly basis to help keep us accountable. I love goal setting but my favorite is achieving them. I've decided to share my goals in my blog as another way to keep me motivated.

2020 GOALS

-       Take notes during individual Come Follow Me study
-       Plan one big FHE a week as a lesson recap for the kids


-       Organize one fun outing or playdate for the kids and myself each month
-       Support family in their endeavors (sports, concerts and just visits)


-       Read five books this year
-       Keep finances up to date every pay period instead of end of each month


-       Reach goal weight and maintain it
-       Work out 120x this year (roughly 3x a week) at home or gym

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