Friday, December 11, 2020

Oral Examination

Today was a huge day for Danny and our family! He passed his oral examination! I'm so super happy for him and knew he would do a great job. He's worked so hard for our family and for his education. This has been a pretty stressful and exhausting ordeal. It was first supposed to happen earlier this summer but got pushed to today. It's probably good that we got some extra time for Danny to full prepare for this but now I'm just glad this hurdle has passed and we can proceed with the next thing. This oral examination was Danny presenting his research and everything he's done so far at BYU in a fifteen minute presentation followed by two hours of non stop questioning by all members on his committee. They drilled him and wanted to make sure he was still worthy of staying in BYU's PhD program. It would have surely been disappointing for Danny if he hadn't passed and was asked to leave the program because I know how badly he wants this to work out so I'm super ecstatic that it all worked out. I was on pins and needles all morning waiting to hear from him on how it went. He finally reached out to me when he was waiting for his results and it seemed like forever when he had to wait about thirty minutes for him to hear back from his advisor and committee but he did it and he should feel very accomplished even though he still has a ways to go left in his program. Daniel George I love you and I'm so proud of you. Celebratory dinner tonight had to be wings of course as that's always a go to favorite of his.

Picture of him from this morning.
Picture of him at 7pm tonight. Someone was really tired.

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