Saturday, August 20, 2022

Corpus Christi

Our good friends Dallen and Chelsea Olsen also live in Texas. They're not too far and are in San Antonio. They were part of one of the reasons why we felt Texas would be exciting because we would live close to the Olsens. Dallen was Danny's best man at our wedding and our first out of state family vacation was to Arizona to visit them when Addie was a baby. Now we are finally living in the same state and we're pretty excited about it. We had dinner at their house last Sunday and while there they invited us to join them at the beach for this weekend. Danny and I felt it would be fun but also couldn't wrap our brains around the idea of driving to the beach three and a half hours away and then return the same day. We kept thinking how that would be like driving from Provo to St. George and coming back the same day. It felt like it should be a weekend getaway so we were on the fence about going or not but then on the way home from our dinner at the Texas State football stadium we felt like this was an adventure we should take with them. We want to use our time here in Texas to reinvent ourselves and become more spontaneous so that our kids can experience more of what life has to offer. It also would be nice to go with the Olsens for our first time as they are quite experienced and could help us out a lot. Once we were in the car this morning we got excited for what today could be. We don't regret it for one second. The beach was beautiful and so fun. We drove to Corpus Christi at the south border and experienced the Gulf of Mexico for the first time I believe in my life. It was a first for Danny too which was awesome to experience together. Danny and I were so happy we went for it and it turned out to be a perfect day. Today combined with last night has me feeling really grateful for this whole post doc experience. I know not all days are going to be like these so this has been really special for our family to share together. The kids also had the time of their life. The Olsen kids and ours line up perfectly. Addie is only three weeks older than Emerson and Hudson is only three days younger than Millie. Grant and Cal are a month apart and then the twins and their last little boy have the biggest gap at only six months apart. Having the Olsens so close is really going to add to this special time in our lives where we get to experience life outside of family but still have people that make us feel like family. Texas is turning out to really grow on us. We're home now and we finally got the sand off of everyone with kids showered and now in bed. This is also kind of like our last summer hoorah because school starts on Monday for the kids. It will also be our nine year anniversary so I told Danny that this beach day can just count as our little celebration. I can't help but feel grateful for this week. I'm overall feeling blessed. Very blessed. 

My phone made a memories video for me and I really love it.

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