Monday, February 26, 2024

Birthday Girls!

Today these two turned three!! We love these girls so much. I'm so glad they came together. They really have been so much fun. We had an early celebration for them yesterday after church since tonight was kind of taken over by soccer. It was the first practice of the season for Addie and Hudson. Grant will have his first practice on Wednesday. We wanted to make sure Rylee and Quinn both felt special so yesterday they were able to open some gifts from us. They started off with these soccer balls from Grandma Donna and Grandpa Dave. They wanted them to have their own little balls to play with since the older three have their own. Their gifts from us were mostly clothes that will fit them better since they're growing up so fast. Nothing too exciting but very much needed. We planned on them getting actual toy presents today which turned out awesome but quickly let's get back to yesterday. We sang Happy Birthday to them and ate from two different 'cakes'. One was an Oreo Ice Cream cake and the other wasn't a cake at all but some kind of chocolate pie that turned out to be pretty good.

Last night as two year olds.

Today was their actual birthday and they were definitely loved on. Danny stayed home from work because he wasn't feeling too good over the weekend and the girls were so happy to have him around. We took the girls to Target for their own little shopping spree. They thought it was heaven to walk around like big girls because they've always been contained in the cart before (this might backfire on me moving forward). They were able to pick out whatever they wanted (within budget of course) and they loved it. They both picked out a couple new toys they were really excited about.

We then went out to Torchy's Tacos which might have been more for Danny and I but that's okay because our dinner was definitely their choice. After lunch their little friend Taylor stopped by to give them some some drawings she drew. It was really cute. 

Quick outfit change and then soccer took up most of our evening but as promised after that was done we all went to McDonalds which is what the kids always ask for every chance they get. They loved that we ate inside because of the play place. We normally don't but made the exception because of Rylee and Quinn. Happy birthday girls. We're all pretty smitten with you two.

They LOVED this train.


A little look back at year one and two.
They seem so little. 😍

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