Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Birthday, Bulldogs, Baby, Boogers, Blessings and Brooklyn’s Baptism

Another birthday has come and gone for me. This year my husband bought me a laptop which turned out to be also a gift for him as well, because now that I have my own working laptop he now has his back and I have no excuse to steal his to blog or store my pictures. As always Danny and I aren’t very good at waiting to give a present on the actual day or holiday (ex: Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter etc) so he gave me my present after midnight on the very first day of my birthday week. Throughout the week he would make me breakfast and also cook dinner which was an awesome break. I started to come down with a small cold on the night of my birthday but I was feeling better by the weekend so we ended my week with dinner at Tucanos Brazilian Grill with some of my in-laws. After dinner Danny and I went to the Puppy Barn in American Fork. It wasn’t exactly what I was expecting but it was still a lot of fun and I’m glad we went. They had these bull dog puppies which is Danny absolute favorite breed of dog and I’m not going to lie they were super cute. They had a lot of different dog breeds there but the only ones Danny was even interested in were the three little bull dog puppies they had. According to him “babies and bull dogs go together” and he was seriously considering not going to school this summer so we could bring a puppy home instead. It was probably good we left the place when we did because if we had stayed five minutes longer those puppies probably would’ve convinced me to buy one as well. It’s a good thing Addie can’t talk yet because she would’ve started begging just like her daddy =).
The week following my birthday was my hardest week as a first time mother. In fact it was the first time where I actually told myself that motherhood was tough. Addie got sick and I couldn’t help but blame myself since I was the one with the cold first. She was already feeling sick when she received her six month shots that week so the fever that the shots caused didn’t help the matter at all and she didn’t handle them well. She couldn’t eat, sleep or breath easily and just had a miserable time. The only good thing was that she spent a lot of time cuddling with me when she wasn’t crying. It’s sad how something as simple as a common cold can turn a baby’s whole world upside down. I always thought that my baby’s little button nose was super cute but now I see the downside to it. Her small nose means that she also has tiny nostrils. The booger bulb suction was too big for her nostrils so clearing them out for her was no easy task. She came to the point where just catching sight of the bulb was all it took to bring her to instant tears. Just as she was getting better Danny got sick. That week we spent Easter watching General Conference and I couldn’t help but think of how blessed we are to have Jesus Christ as our Savior. I thought about my baby and about how much she struggled and it made me feel grateful for the guaranteed comfort that she will be able to find in the gospel. I can’t wait to teach her more about it. I’m also grateful for the power of the priesthood and for blessings. I hesitated asking Danny if a father’s blessing for Addie would be a good idea. I hesitated because I believe that blessings partly work through the faith of the person receiving the blessing and in this case Addie isn’t 100% sure of what’s going on. I told Danny my feelings and he didn’t hesitate at all. He explained that blessings are also for the father in showing his faith by giving the blessing. If it wasn’t for Danny, Flor, family, my friend Charisa and the gospel that week would’ve seemed even longer than it already did for me. Colds never seemed like a big deal before but for some reason when it’s your own baby that is struggling with it you can’t help but feel your heart break a little inside.  
Poor tired baby

How most of the week looked

At the doctor's office :(
Speaking of the Gospel this past weekend Danny was able to confirm our niece Brooklyn after her baptism. She was absolutely beautiful and her dress was gorgeous. Addie wore her Easter dress to the baptism and was the happiest baby now that she’s over her cold. I can’t believe that one day Danny will be baptizing and confirming Addisyn, but for now I want to live in the moment and enjoy the happy baby that she is.
Easter 2015

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