Wednesday, September 30, 2015

All About Addie

Here are some things about Miss Addie that I just don't want to forget.

First 12 months:
One month - Started cooing and smiling.
Two months - Started consistently sleeping through the whole night.
     Stats: 10.1 lbs (23.26%) 22.5 in (55.92%)
Three months - Rolled over from tummy to back.
Four months - Rolled over from back to tummy. Went on first plane trip to Colorado and first road trip to St. George.
     Stats: 12.83 lbs (23.32%) 24.75 in (67.04%)
Five months - Got her first two teeth and unfortunately stopped being so consistent throughout the night.
Six months - Learned to clap, sit and her first word was "yay".
     Stats: 15.34 lbs (36.04%) 27.25 (94.19%)
Seven months - Learned to army crawl, give kisses and say "mama", "daddy", and "Hi".
Eight months - Four teeth now and started pulling herself up to stand.
Nine months - Five teeth and started walking along furniture. Learned how to wave hello and bye and went on a road trip to Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.
     Stats: 16.47 lbs (21.65%) 29 in (92.88%)
Ten months - Six teeth and finally became interested in eating actual solids.
Eleven months - Eight teeth and walks up to six steps with no help.
Twelve months - She's only been 12 months for a couple of hours now but so far she can say a total of 18 words.
     Stats: 17.7 lbs (18.7%) 30 in (80.42%)

List of her current words:
EIEIO (technically not really a word but she sings it)
Uh oh
She can also tell you what a dog says and what a monkey says. 

My sister is super talented and made this birthday board for Addie Rae.
Her Favorite Foods- bananas, squash, mashed potatoes, and French fries.
Her Favorite Shows- Daniel Tiger, Curious George, and Super Simple Songs.
Her Favorite Songs - You Are My Sunshine, Old McDonald and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
She Can - clap her hands, blow and give kisses, wave, dance, squeal, and give hugs.
She Weighs - 17.7 lbs (updated from today's Dr visit). 
She Stands - 30 inches (updated from today's Dr visit). 
She has 8 teeth. (It felt like teething would never end).
Nicknames - Addie Rae, Squishy, Sweet cheeks,  Baby and Monkey.
She Loves - music, animals, bath time, dancing, snuggling mommy, chasing daddy, wind, lullabies, monkeys, swinging, squealing, giving kisses and Skyping her Aunt Pollyanna.
She Dislikes - peaches, being told no and getting her face wiped.

It's been an amazing year being her mom. Any fears I may have had while I was pregnant about being a mom to a little baby girl has vanished. Besides Danny she is my reason to smile. She's my happiness. Love doesn't even seem like a strong enough word to describe the emotion I feel towards her but until I can think of a stronger word I'll continue to let her know every single day that I love her. I truly love her. Eternity is going to be awesome with her in it.

Happy birthday to miss Addie and happy one year anniversary of being parents to Danny and myself.

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