Thursday, October 8, 2015

One Year Letter to Miss Addie Rae

I've been thinking about our relationship a lot lately. I remember being so worried during my pregnancy that I wouldn't be the best mother. I'm sure I'm still not the best mother but you make me feel like the best mother for you. You are now one year and eight days old. Ironically I wrote you a letter exactly one year ago when you were just eight days old. The amount of love I feel for you cannot be measured. That might sound cliche but it's the absolute truth. I often find myself randomly looking over at you and out of no where I'm hit with a powerful feeling of gratitude and love. I feel tender moments with you every single day and I hope this feeling never fades away. I don't know at what age parents stop peeking into their child's room to catch one more glimpse of their sleeping babe but I have not stopped since the night you were born. I cannot get enough of you. Yes we've had moments where we have both been frustrated with each other but one smile or snuggle from you is all it takes to wipe away any tension. Today I was holding your baby cousin Georgia Navy and you wanted to sit on my lap so bad. You repeated my name over and over until I picked you up. Your aunts mentioned a hint of jealousy but I felt that it was proof of how much I mean to you. I love that you love me. I love that you need me. The truth is that I need you too. I need you because you make me feel loved in a way that only mothers can feel. It's a special bond. This past year you have taught me how to be patient, selfless, and how to live more in the moment. 

Today I took you to a boutique I wanted to check out but we got there ten minutes after it closed. Instead of being disappointed with this we decided to have an impromptu photo shoot with the bench in front of the store. These pictures captured how much fun of a baby you are. Thank you for teaching me how to find joy in all circumstances. You inspire me Miss Addie Rae. 
And one more just to show that you can also have a sassy attitude (just like your mama). :)

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