Wednesday, March 30, 2016

18 Months!

Miss Addie Rae is now 18 months old! She's acting more and more toddler like by the day. I have to come to terms that my baby girl isn't much of a baby anymore. I think back on how I wished badly for a boy and on the day I found out Addie was a girl Danny still had to pry me away from the baby boy section. Today I could never imagine my life without this little girl of ours. She's exactly what I never knew I wanted. I wouldn't trade her for any other little person in the world.
Turning 18 months means that she's officially in the nursery. She's been going since she was 13 months old because of our church callings but now it's going to be weird knowing she's officially on the class roll. I got a little glimpse this week of what dropping her off at nursery would really feel like if I wasn't her teacher. There was a relief society activity I went to yesterday and I brought her because nursery was provided. I felt so sad dropping her off but she's so familiar with the nursery room that she had no problem going in. The elder's quorum was in charge of the children and near the end of the relief society activity I see a man running into the room we were in chasing three little toddlers. Addie was one of them. She's such an active little wild one. I love her.

I'm still in awe at everything she learns and does. One of the cute things she's doing these days is whenever she falls down she'll look around for you and hold out her hands so that her owies can be kissed better. Also, when she does something herself that she's particularly proud of she'll jump up and down saying "I did it!". She's been practicing her jumping skills everyday and I love watching her do it. It's still more of a skip but she's determined to get both feet high off the ground. If Addie needs a diaper change she'll grab a diaper and lay down in front of you. It's been making diaper changes so much easier. One more thing I want to remember is that she picks out her own shoes and grabs her jacket whenever she wants to let you know that it's time for a 'walk'. It's pretty cute so she usually gets her way. Speaking of shoes, she's  finally starting to outgrow size 0-6 month shoes. I've seen babies half her age with bigger feet than her, which is funny considering how tall she is for her age.

At 18 months Addie loves:

Being Outside
Spinning Around
Running after her Uncle Jon
Helping mommy unload the dishes
Calling her daddy

Favorite Shows:

Curious George
Super Simple Songs
Animals Sounds
Super Why
Minnie Mouse Bowtique

Favorite Songs:
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree
5 Little Monkeys
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
Row Row Row Your Boat
Favorite Foods:

Goldfish Crackers
Cooked Carrots
(Basically almost all vegetables)


Being brought inside from outside
The Drs Office
Space heaters (she's extremely terrified of them)

Addie is up to 85 words now. It's fun hearing new vocab come out of her mouth. Most of her new words to be honest though are animal sounds. She's pretty proud of herself whenever she can show people the sounds that she knows.

Her latest 25 words:
Poe Poe (Pollyanna)
Row (row row row your boat)
I did it
Pawroo (her elephant sound - she learned this from a show and it stuck)
Hoo Hoo (owl)
Buzz (before she mastered buzz she kept repeating butt butt butt)

The Animal Sounds show she's obsessed with:

We combined two of her favorite loves, bubbles and the park.

As Danny put it "18 months today, 18 years tomorrow".
18 month old stats:
Weight - 22.6 lbs (50.38%)
Length - 33.3 in (90.75%)

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