Monday, March 28, 2016

27 Reasons for 27 Years

I am now 27 years old! It's weird because I never accepted the age of 26. In fact I still feel like I'm 24. This year my birthday fell on the Friday before Easter Sunday. Friday is also one of Danny's long busy days. So far my birthday has always ended up on the busiest day of the week for him (next year that cycle will break since he doesn't have school on Saturdays). I married a real sweet guy and without me knowing it beforehand he had gone to his boss and asked for the night off. I love this man.

My birthday celebration started earlier in the week with Danny's family. His mom and sisters took me out to go swimsuit shopping. Kidnap might have been a better word because I was not looking forward to it at first. I hate shopping for swimsuits because I can never find anything I like on me. I'm pretty sure I had anxiety leading up to that day but in the end it wasn't at all how I pictured the day going. His sisters are swimsuit shopping pros! We found something in less than an hour when I was planning on it taking all night with nothing to show for it in the end. You have to understand, I have already been looking around on my own for three months now and I'm not even including all last summer. I just accepted that I have bad luck when it comes to that category. I learned that from now on I need to look around with my sister in laws if I want to find something and be happy with it. My mother in law was with us and bought me the suit before she had to leave. Addie was also spoiled that day. My sister in law Marie bought her a little swimsuit plus a cute summer outfit and my other sister in law Jill bought Addie a stuffed giraffe. After shopping around they treated me to sushi. I LOVE sushi! Danny isn't a huge fan so we don't go often. I definitely took advantage of it and ate a lot! Addie may or may not have also experienced her first sushi taste. Have to start her young. :)

I woke up Friday morning to Danny already at school but he had covered our place with 27 post it notes of reasons why he loves me. I'm a sucker for things like this and he knows it. More often than not while he's at the brink of falling asleep I turn to him and say "three reasons why you love me - go!". I always pick a random number, sometimes it's four reasons and sometimes it's just one reason. I tend to ask him at inconvenient times too which I need to work on but he always answers them for me. He must have been inspired because he thought of 27 reasons and surprised me with it. It looks like I won't be asking this question for a good while. :)

His 27 reasons:
* You love God.
* You are the most beautiful woman I know inside and out. I'm glad I have you.
* You are the best mom to our beautiful daughter.
* I love that you cook food for me!
* The way you use your hands to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth.
* You help me learn vocab for school.
* We watch shows together. I love unwinding this way with you each day.
* We got married in the temple.
* When you're goofy at goofy times.
* You have boobs. I love that.
(Sorry Dad if you had to read that.)
* I love when we hold hands when we are walking.
* I love that you love me and it shows.
* I love how much you love our daughter.
* I love that you enjoy your job being a mom here at home. You're a very hard working lady.
* I love that you keep us fixated on the future.
* I love how kind you are to all people, even if you don't like them.
* I love how you sleep.
(He drew a picture of how I take the entire bed leaving him a corner in the bottom right side. Sadly his picture is spot on,)
* I love that you are very focused on your goal of eating well and exercising. You are looking good, keep it up!
* You dress so sexy!
* You're okay with my nerdiness . . .aka dinosaurs, reading, pokeman, animals, science . . . you know nerd stuff.
* You started going to the bathroom with the door open.
(He could have left this one out.)
* You are able to keep our house clean even with me here. It's hard I know.
* You have been going to the grocery store without me.
* You're good with our money.
* 27 years ago you came into this world . . . probably best day ever.
* Beautiful brown eyes.
* It takes us 20 minutes for one good picture. :)

I was able to find 26 of these notes on my own but then finally messaged him because I couldn't find the last one without help. Addie also helped me out which was fun. After reading all the notes I looked through my birthday gifts. I've been really getting into fitness this year so he got me Zumba exercise videos, a kettle ball, and a yoga workout video. He also updated my anniversary journal book. One of his pages he wrote had to do with his version of our recent spring break trip. His style of writing is like any typical man's style - short and to the point. I love when it writes in our book.

I was so happy after reading the notes and my journal book that I decided to surprise Danny by making Teriyaki Chicken and Broccoli for lunch. It wasn't until after he came home for lunch that he remembered his mom wanted to take me out for lunch. Danny was planning on making my favorite Filipino dish that he learned from his mission for dinner later that night but since I missed lunch with his mom we decided to go out to dinner with the entire family at a Mexican restaurant. It was delicious. I really like that Danny's family is very close and get together a lot. After eating dinner with everyone we met back up at my in-laws for some birthday cake. I've never been a big fan of blowing out the candles on the cake because I always felt silly doing it but this year I blew them all out with one breath. 

We continued celebrating my birthday the next day by completing our own birthday tradition - going to a Brazilian grill steakhouse. We always go to either Tucanos or Rodizio and sometimes we even do both (usually for Danny because he loves his meat). This time I chose Rodizio because I was craving their dessert flan. I don't think Danny or I will ever stop this tradition because we love it so much. Even Addie ate an amazing portion so even though it's not cheap it's very worth it. 
Danny got me an additional complete set of Zumba DVDs for my birthday, a kickboxing video, and two active wear tops for me to exercise in. I love that Danny is supporting my fitness goals. One of my all time favorite things I got actually came from Danny's mom, Donna. She surprised me with an Ancestry's DNA Testing Kit during my birthday dinner with the whole family. This is something that both Danny and I had really wanted and we were going to save money so that we could get two by Christmas time. I had no idea that I would get one for my birthday from Donna. This DNA kit is supposed to tell me down to the percentage what my ethnicity is made up of. I don't get the results for another 6-8 weeks but I'm so excited for it. I've never really known what I am because I'm adopted. All I know is that my birth mom is Brazilian but I really have no information about my biological father. We still plan on saving up to get Danny one as well because it would be fun to see what percentage of Italian he is as well as the other European areas from his family line. 
2nd Zumba set is still on its way.
*Side note: I met my birth mom a couple of summers ago and I have a post all typed up about that. One of these days I'll finally feel ready enough to share it.

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