Saturday, February 26, 2022

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Party

The babies are one! We survived this year! They survived this year! We all did it! Haha in all honesty we got really lucky because these two girls are the best babies ever. They weren't as hard as we imagined twins would be. Knock on wood but I haven't had a moment where both would be crying at the same time. They usually take turns which is awesome because it's like one will wait to cry until the other one is already comforted and at peace. It's very thoughtful of them haha. They are the best eaters and the best sleepers and we are truly blessed with their calm personalities. I'm sure things will really get challenging when they are walking and running but for now we've seem to adjust to every milestone so far. I still can't believe they were born a whole year ago. It seems like it went by so fast and yet it also feels like that happened forever ago. My baby girls are one years old. 
I decided on the theme "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" because it says 'twin' in twinkle and I couldn't pass up that theme. It turned out really cute. Aide came over the night before and helped blow up some balloons and then she made an arch for their birthday party. She was incredibly helpful. 
Aide also brought so many party supplies, including little birthday party hats, and had so many ideas for decorations. It was amazing. Another person I'm super grateful for is Jill. She started handcrafting some decor weeks ago in preparation for today. She loves parties and always goes all in for her kids' parties and she put in the same effort for Rylee and Quinn. We're really lucky to have had her with us. Both Jill and Aide came early before the party started and basically threw it all together. Seriously I didn't do much. At one point I even left to pick up the pizza for the party because they had it all under control. They were definitely in their element. Thank you Aide and Jill! Pollyanna also made birthday boards for both girls. She's now done this for every single one of my kids and it's definitely something I cherish. Thanks Pollyanna!
This is the last first birthday we'll have to throw and it turned out so well. We had most of Danny's family there and some of mine which was great. Giovanna and Leo even drove all the way from Idaho to attend and then they drove right back on the same day. That's some impressive support. Danny and I both have some pretty great families and I'm thankful for all of them.



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