Saturday, July 23, 2022

Grant's Paw Patrol Water Party

We originally talked about having a trampoline birthday party for Grant's birthday but when Grandma Great asked if we could have his party at her house this year as a last family hoorah we decided to go with her suggestion. Her house is Grant's favorite place ever and he was super okay with the switch which shows how much he loves her and her place. We invited my parents along with Danny's entire family and all came and had a great time. Grant felt so loved which makes my mama heart so happy for him. His uncle Mike even surprised him by stopping by with his fire engine crew and got to show Grant his fire engine. Grant was able to sit in it as well as Addie and the three older kids all got to hold the hose which was awesome. We had no idea Mike was going to do this so it was really cool that he did. Grandma Great also provided supper for everyone with Chik-Fil-A which can't be beat.We're going to miss everyone as we leave next Saturday so I'm really glad we were able to all be together at our favorite house. Happy birthday Grant Boy! I can't believe you're almost four!

Grant didn't know what to do with himself during the 'happy birthday' song. He was so giddy and his facial expressions were priceless. I love this kid.

Happy birthday weekend beans!

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