Sunday, December 28, 2014

Daddy Daughter Conversations :)

Every night when Danny comes home from work or school they have these moments together, of course I have to try and capture some of them :)

These two are my world :)

Friday, December 12, 2014

Roll Baby Roll

Once again Addie is asleep snuggled up in my arms as I reflect on how perfect she is. I can’t believe my baby girl is now ten weeks old. Her smiles are to die for and so is her baby talk. Last night she rolled over for the first time from tummy to back . . . and I missed it! ;(  I literally missed it by a second (saddest second of my life). She was on the ground with Danny laying by her while I was getting dinner in the oven when it happened. I know there will be a next time but it will never be the first time. Oh well. It’s weird because I never imagined that I would be so sentimental over things like her newborn clothes getting too short for her growing body. Danny laughs that I got sad when she transitioned into size 1 diapers. When I was pregnant I would always look at other babies during church and obsess over how tiny they looked, now I find myself trying to guess how many months old they are and thinking how they all look so huge to me.

I do love how more alert Addie is getting now that she’s two and a half months old. It’s an amazing feeling to walk into a room and notice her eyes follow me wherever I go. She still has so much to learn but one thing that she already knows is that I’m her mother. She also seems to know that Danny is her daddy because she always saves the cutest happiest squeals for him. Sometimes when she is fussy because she is tired she’ll be handed over to him and within a few short minutes he’ll have her passed out. A couple minutes after that and he's also fast asleep.. ;)
In the past I’ve been guilty of asking people if their baby is a good baby and now I get asked the same question. Of course I say yes but really is there such a thing as a bad baby? Nope, not that I know of. Addie loves tummy time, is very calm (unless tired), and started completely sleeping through the whole night at eight weeks old, but I’ve been thinking that IF she were to be a super colicky baby I would still consider her to be a good baby. No infant purposefully cries with the intention to make someone’s day harder for them; so I’ve come to the realization that asking “is your baby a good baby?” is kind of a silly question. I’ll have to remember that if any of my future kids tend to have more fussy moments compared to happy smiley moments.
It’s crazy to think that two years ago from today I first laid eyes on Danny and now here I am with our precious baby girl in my arms. Who would have thought that two years later I would get to be the mother of Danny’s baby? Too blessed to be stressed.
            . . . . Well baby girl is waking up now so I’m going to go see if she’ll roll over for her mama! Roll baby roll but then go back to staying little.