Thursday, January 22, 2015

Throw Back Thursday

Exactly one year ago Danny and I found out we were expecting a baby. I didn't realize it back then but this turned out to be one of our greatest blessings ever. We can't picture our lives without her in it. 
We love you baby Addie :)

Thursday, January 8, 2015

100 Days!

Miss Addisyn Rae is now 100 days old as of 8:22pm :)
100 days of cuddles. 100 days of tears. 100 days of kisses. 100 days of diapers. 100 days of loving this squishy. 100 days I wouldn't trade for anything else. 100 days of Addisyn Rae. 

2014 Year Review

I can't believe we are already one week into the new year! I have to admit, I was actually sad to finish off 2014 because it was so good to us.

            Here's a look back at 2014 . . .
JANUARY - We found out I was pregnant! I was in complete shock and denial at first but now I'm so glad it happened :)
FEBRUARY - Valentines Day with my hubby.
MARCH- My birthday month.
APRIL- We found out Baby Fergy was a GIRL :)
MAY- The month of baby farm animals - sheep, pigs, chickens and turkeys.
JUNE- Danny's birthday month.
JULY- A lot of fishing and golfing.
AUGUST- I was eight months pregnant for our one year anniversary. Who would've predicted that?
SEPTEMBER- Miss Addisyn Rae joined our family and made Danny and I parents :)
OCTOBER- We dressed up as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for Halloween.
NOVEMBER- Addie started sleeping through the entire night during the week of Thanksgiving. I was definitely thankful for that!
DECEMBER- Our first Christmas as a family of three :)

            I have high hopes for 2015 and I'm determined to make it the best year yet so bring it on!
*     *     *
Some things I'm looking forward to this year.
- Colorado, Arizona, Yellowstone, Disneyland and Addisyn's first birthday -