Wednesday, September 30, 2015

All About Addie

Here are some things about Miss Addie that I just don't want to forget.

First 12 months:
One month - Started cooing and smiling.
Two months - Started consistently sleeping through the whole night.
     Stats: 10.1 lbs (23.26%) 22.5 in (55.92%)
Three months - Rolled over from tummy to back.
Four months - Rolled over from back to tummy. Went on first plane trip to Colorado and first road trip to St. George.
     Stats: 12.83 lbs (23.32%) 24.75 in (67.04%)
Five months - Got her first two teeth and unfortunately stopped being so consistent throughout the night.
Six months - Learned to clap, sit and her first word was "yay".
     Stats: 15.34 lbs (36.04%) 27.25 (94.19%)
Seven months - Learned to army crawl, give kisses and say "mama", "daddy", and "Hi".
Eight months - Four teeth now and started pulling herself up to stand.
Nine months - Five teeth and started walking along furniture. Learned how to wave hello and bye and went on a road trip to Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.
     Stats: 16.47 lbs (21.65%) 29 in (92.88%)
Ten months - Six teeth and finally became interested in eating actual solids.
Eleven months - Eight teeth and walks up to six steps with no help.
Twelve months - She's only been 12 months for a couple of hours now but so far she can say a total of 18 words.
     Stats: 17.7 lbs (18.7%) 30 in (80.42%)

List of her current words:
EIEIO (technically not really a word but she sings it)
Uh oh
She can also tell you what a dog says and what a monkey says. 

My sister is super talented and made this birthday board for Addie Rae.
Her Favorite Foods- bananas, squash, mashed potatoes, and French fries.
Her Favorite Shows- Daniel Tiger, Curious George, and Super Simple Songs.
Her Favorite Songs - You Are My Sunshine, Old McDonald and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
She Can - clap her hands, blow and give kisses, wave, dance, squeal, and give hugs.
She Weighs - 17.7 lbs (updated from today's Dr visit). 
She Stands - 30 inches (updated from today's Dr visit). 
She has 8 teeth. (It felt like teething would never end).
Nicknames - Addie Rae, Squishy, Sweet cheeks,  Baby and Monkey.
She Loves - music, animals, bath time, dancing, snuggling mommy, chasing daddy, wind, lullabies, monkeys, swinging, squealing, giving kisses and Skyping her Aunt Pollyanna.
She Dislikes - peaches, being told no and getting her face wiped.

It's been an amazing year being her mom. Any fears I may have had while I was pregnant about being a mom to a little baby girl has vanished. Besides Danny she is my reason to smile. She's my happiness. Love doesn't even seem like a strong enough word to describe the emotion I feel towards her but until I can think of a stronger word I'll continue to let her know every single day that I love her. I truly love her. Eternity is going to be awesome with her in it.

Happy birthday to miss Addie and happy one year anniversary of being parents to Danny and myself.

Addisyn Turns One!

I am now a mother to a one year old. Crazy! Does this mean my baby is a toddler now? I sure hope not. I want her to stay my little baby just a bit longer. I'm not ready for this whole growing up thing. 
Her personality is just the best and I feel lucky to call this little smarty pants mine. She can now say 18 words! And she's getting a little more confident in her walking skills everyday. Right now she'll only take up to six steps at a time and only if it's from person to person or person to couch. If she holds on to someone's finger though she'll walk every where. Little by little though she'll get to the point where she won't have to rely on help. Her laugh is infectious and I love her little curls around her ears.
She hates peaches, being told no and getting her face wiped. Her biggest dislike though would be the doctor's office. Boy she hates that place. She had her one year checkup today and I made Danny go with us because it's so hard for me to be the tough one in that room. She's a petite little girl only weighing 17.7 lbs (18%) but is tall for her age at 30 inches long (80%).

Poor little girl got her shots today. She got four shots total and has to go back in one month for two more. I hate hearing her cry from shots but the nurse knew exactly how to calm her. She gave Addie her first sucker. Personally I'm not a fan of giving kids sticky candy because I'm such a clean freak but who could deny their sweet little girl her first sucker who was already devastated from shots?? Did I mention it was her first birthday? Well needless to say she loved it! She forgot all about the shots after that first sweet candy taste. And yes she got sticky but I lived. :) We went out to eat at Apollo Burger after her Dr visit and made sure she was also able get French fries (her favorite food since in the womb). 
Enjoying her first sucker
She got her first taste of birthday cake on Sunday and it was the cutest thing ever. We threw her a birthday party at Danny's grandparents place in Orem and invited both of our families. We served hamburgers and hotdogs with of course cake and ice cream. We had a really great turn out. Addie loves giving kisses and kissed each and every one of her presents. I'm in love with the love that she has for people and things around her. She still is a very shy timid girl but once she warms up to someone that person becomes her new best friend. Being her mom is the greatest.
Thank you for teaching me something new everyday. It's good to be your mom Addisyn Rae.

Read her birth story Here.

Friday, September 11, 2015

September 11, 2001

Always remember. 
September 11, 2001 was a day of confusion and chaos for our nation. It also turned into a day of unity. I was only 12 years old and I remember that day well. My brother Lamoni and I were off track that morning while the rest of my siblings left for school. I woke up to see my step mom crying in the kitchen. She was listening to the news on the kitchen radio. Listening to the news wasn't anything out of the ordinary because she did that everyday, but that time it was different. We were listening to our country being attacked. I turned on the tv and watched as the second tower went down. My step mom's cries only intensified during that morning. I don't remember crying myself but I remember feeling scared. Shortly after we heard about a plane attacking the Pentagon and then about a fourth plane which was intended for the Capital Building but instead crashed into a Pennsylvania field. My brother and I were glued to the news stations the entire day. Typically we weren't allowed so much tv time but that day was an exception. That Tuesday was the first time I learned what the word hijacked meant. It was also the first time in my life I realized how scary the world could be. As I watched the news I began to wonder if I was safe in my own state or in my own home. One of my last memories of that day is actually the memory that left me going to bed that night feeling hope and peace, it was this message by our then Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley . . .

President Gordon B. Hinckley, from an address given on Sept. 11, 2001, in the Tabernacle on Temple Square.

“Dark as is this hour, there is shining through the heavy overcast of fear and anger the solemn and wonderful image of the Son of God, the Savior of the World, the Prince of Peace, the exemplar of universal love, and it is to him that we look in these circumstances. It was he who gave his life that all might enjoy eternal life. ... May the peace of Christ rest upon us and give us comfort and reassurance and, particularly, we plead that he will comfort the hearts of all who mourn.”

. . .
Pics from a family trip 8 years later. 
This flag stood in the space the twin towers should have been.