Wednesday, May 30, 2018


I had the follow up baby appointment today with the specialist. I left more confused then when I went in. The tech was measuring both kidneys at above a 6 and telling me that the levels were still higher than they hoped for me being almost 32 weeks pregnant. That was a little discouraging to hear as I had hoped that Bean was going to show cured from his fetal Pyelectasis. However when the specialist came in he did a quick scan of his own and said that both kidneys were closer to a 4 and that the tech must have gotten her measurements from a different angle. So basically I don't know which one to believe. I felt like the tech was thorough and spent quite a deal of time on the kidneys where as the specialist might be more skilled but barely checked the kidneys himself. I don't know what to think. The specialist said that we weren't going to determine anything today and to schedule an additional followup for 37 weeks where we will check again. In addition to these ultrasounds before birth he also stated that I should expect an ultrasound to be done on Baby Bean shortly after his birth while in the hospital. I'm okay with that. In fact I feel like I will be the most confident with the actual readings if they are done on baby himself. For right now I'll try not to worry about the kidneys but that's easier said than done. I did get to see him in 3D which was the best thing ever. His hands were by his face the entire time so I don't have images of his entire face but this is the first time I've ever had 3D ultrasound images of any of my kids and I loved it. I can't wait to kiss this little face.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Late Announcement

Finally at almost thirty weeks pregnant I made the public social media announcement of Baby Bean. I'm not sure why I waited so long. I highly considered waiting until the baby's birth but with the upcoming followup appointment with the high risk specialist I felt like it was better late than never. 

Caption Read: Danny and I were just as shocked as they are. Now we're excited to meet their little brother in just under ten weeks. Ready or not baby #3 is coming.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's Day 2018

This might be my favorite Mother's Day gift ever. 
Something tells me I'm going to be really happy we have her cute little voice on video because before we know it she's going to be so big.