Monday, October 10, 2016

Shocking, yet Unexpectedly Interesting . . .

So, something interesting happened yesterday. I had my computer out because I was planning on blogging about our pumpkin patch activity when I decided to check my messages on Facebook. I saw that I had an unopened message from August 2014. I opened it up and read that the sender was my birth mother's brother who had tried to reach out to me. I felt bad that I was just seeing this two year old message but I responded to him and we conversed most of last night. The most shocking thing that I had learned was that he is LDS. He even comes to Utah every now and then to attend General Conference. His daughter (my biological cousin) lives in Idaho Falls and he himself spent some time living in Salt Lake City. He's actually planning on a trip next year to the states and I'm hoping to personally meet him because I have plenty of questions that I'd rather ask in person instead of through messenger. One of the things I'm most curious about is what he's heard about me. I would also like to know if he knows anything about my family history or information concerning my birth father. I would like to know his conversion story or if he'd been a member since birth. This part was especially interesting to me because my one conversation with my biological mom didn't go well partly because the church was brought up. She's not a fan of it. Who knew that she had someone close to her who was also a member? That would have been a good conversation piece to bring up but that's just my opinion. Anyway last night was just overall pleasantly interesting.

I also realize that I didn't post any pictures of my birth family in my last post about them and one day I'll be glad to have included some in my 'journal' so I'll do that today. Plus I'm sure others might be curious to see what they look like. 

The following are pictures that I've taken from social media and a couple that my mom's brother sent to me last night. Chances aren't very high that they'll ever see this but if somehow it happens I hope this is okay for me to use these pictures.
When standing next to Rose I also made her look very short.
Anderson and his son Lucas.
Anderson with his now wife Kattiane.
Lucas is just younger than Addie and will be two in December.
Rose and Lucas.
Deise (pronounced Daisy) and Rose.
Deise and Rose.
*Deise is actually just a month shy of being three years younger than me. I was told we were a year apart but that is incorrect.
These last pictures are of Rose's brother (Laudelino) that he sent me including one of his daughter and son in law who live in Idaho.
This last picture was taken in June 2013. This was while he was in the hospital after a motorcycle accident and I was visiting Rose. Part of that story can be read here Here.

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