Sunday, October 2, 2016

Second Birthday Letter To Addie Rae

Miss Addie Rae,

You're two years old now and it's been a great two years. These last couple of weeks you've really become my little buddy. You're by far one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I missed years of not having the mother daughter relationship I always wanted. It wasn't part of my life's story which is why I'm going to do everything possible to make it part of yours. You don't have to be a mama's girl for my sake. You're actually probably more of a daddy's girl which is perfectly okay and there is nothing wrong with that.

Unfortunately Daddy has to leave before you wake up in the mornings and can't get home until late after you've been in bed, so when Georgia is picked up every evening you and I have our own little dates. I love our evenings together. Your daddy lives for the weekends because he misses being around you all week. I'm sure that if you understood the concept of days that you would also be counting them down 'til Saturdays and Sundays because that means all three of us are together. I try to arrange it so that we can drop off dinners to him while he's at work just so you two can see each other. You always ask him to wait a few more minutes before we say goodbye or you make him stay longer so you can have a few more kisses. You and I are pretty close and I love the bond we have but I also LOVE watching you interact with your daddy. You mean so much to both of us. You made us parents and you're the reason we love this role so much.

In about nine weeks you're going to meet your baby brother. I wonder how you'll be with him once he's born and I think about it all the time. I wonder if you'll struggle a little adapting to the big sister role or if you'll ease right into it. For the next two months though I'm going to soak up every one of these minutes we have as just the two of us. Having a sibling enter the family won't change the love I have for you. I'm not sure exactly how it works but I trust that it works out somehow. I can't even fathom the idea of loving you any less. It's impossible to do so. Motherhood can be hard sometimes but loving you is easy. Even as you've shown me little glimpses of what the saying 'terrible twos' mean I can still confidently say that I love you.

You've learned a lot in the last two years and one of the things I hope you've learned is how much you mean to me. I'll do everything I can to comfort you when you need comforting. To hold you when you need closeness. To explain things to you when you're experiencing confusion. To trust you as you learn free agency. To stand by you as you deal with consequences from your choices and to love you no matter what. I am not the perfect mother and most likely there will always be room for improvement on my part so I just ask for patience from you as I continue to learn my role.

You're an incredible girl and I'm blessed to have you as my daughter. I can't wait to see where things take you. Happy second birthday sweet girl.

Your Mom

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