Sunday, October 2, 2016

Two Years Old

Two. My baby is two!

All About Addie Year Two

Favorite Foods: French fries (she still loves them), Pizza, Navajo Tacos, Blue Berries, Apple Slices, Bananas, Olives and Tomatoes.
Favorite Shows: Curious George, Minnie Mouse Bowtique, Peppa Pig, Super Why and Super Simple Songs.
Favorite Songs: ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Let It Go, Popcorn Popping, and Row Row Row Your Boat.
Favorite Movies: Frozen, Zootopia, Despicable Me 2, and Spirit.
Favorite Toy: Her stuffed gray striped kitty she got from her first birthday. She hugs and kisses it everyday. After this weekend with all her new gifts though this answer might have changed.
She Can: Jump, Count to ten, Sing songs from start to end by herself and throw awesome dance parties.
She Weighs: 23 lbs (30%)
She Stands: 34.3 in (73%)
She Loves: Animals (both real and fake), Dancing, Jumping on the Bed, Giving Hugs, Swings, Slides, Baby Dolls, Running, Seeing Fish, Minnie Mouse, Frozen and Pikachu.
She Dislikes: Getting her teeth brushed, Going to the Doctor's Office and being woken up from her naps.

Her birthday was Friday which is a really busy day for Danny because of school and work so we planned on doing presents with Addie the next day (Saturday) in between General Conference sessions. Fortunately when Danny went to school that morning he found out that his four hour morning class was cancelled so he hurried back home and was able to be here before Addie even woke up. We sang Happy Birthday to her and then had her open up her presents from us. She got a couple new baby dolls, accessories for the dolls, a baby stroller, Beauty and the Beast 25th Edition DVD, and a bedding set for her new toddler bed. Danny came with me to Addie's two year checkup with the doctor. She's still considered tall for her age and is on the skinny side but overall she's looking good. The doctor was impressed with her verbal skills as Addie was chatting away with him. We then went out to lunch before Danny had to go back to school and work. 
The rest of her birthday was a huge mother daughter date. I took her to the Lehi Fun Center where she had a blast. She loved the arcade games, corn pit and bounce house. While in the bounce house she would jump away until other kids entered then she would sit down, watch the kids, and wait until she was the only one in there before she would jump again. She's definitely an observer when it comes to interacting with other kids.
This is her 'cheese' face. I love it.
We dropped some pizza to Danny while he was at work and then I took Addie to the park where we played and watched the ducks. I put on her birthday shirt and we took some pictures while we were at the park. It was a great day with my little girl.
We invited the rest of our extended families over for cake and ice cream today (Sunday) after the General Conference sessions were over. Our place was packed and Addie was so spoiled with all her new gifts. We had people everywhere. We hosted almost 30 people here and I'm thinking that a park might be a better idea in the future. Even though Addie doesn't quite understand birthdays I tried my best to still make this weekend special for her.
Her vocabulary continues to grow by the day and it's fun because she's forming longer and longer sentences. It's pretty cute especially because she also has the softest little voice. I love it when she uses words we've never heard her say before and it's used in the right context. She loves to sing and will break out in song at random times. She's really good at remembering words to songs and it's so cute to hear her make up words if she happens to forget the next line. She loves her ABC's right now and asks everyday if she can watch her little alphabet videos. She called it the HCG's for awhile and if she didn't know a specific letter when asked she would always say it was the letter 'H'. She still doesn't know every single letter by sight but she does pretty good for most of them. She also likes counting and knows 1-10. 

The Summer Olympics occurred a month or two ago and I was surprised by how interested she was in watching the events. Her top two favorite sports to watch were water polo and gymnastics. She still pretends sometimes to do gymnastics and it's super adorable because she counts to three, jumps from her spot, and then completes her routine with a pose at the end. She can keep herself entertained for a good while just doing this. If water polo was on then she didn't want to be distracted with anything else. It was pretty funny because Georgia would try to play with her and Addie would get frustrated because all she wanted to do was try to watch the games. She would cheer every time someone would score. It didn't matter to her whose team was getting the point, she just liked watching the ball get into the net. She had to point out every ten seconds how the game was literally swimming and shooting the ball. She thought that was pretty cool. It makes me wonder if she's going to be a little athletic girl as she gets bigger because she can already run and kick a ball pretty well.

She loves playing with baby dolls and her stuffed animals and likes to take care of them. She makes them say little prayers which makes my heart melt. She folds their arms and then says "amen" and releases their arms. I can't wait to hear her actually add more words to these 'prayers'. She puts them down for naps when it's time for Addie to take a nap herself. For her birthday we got her more baby dolls which she is excited about. She even got a toy baby crib and a diaper bag for all her dolls from her Uncle Sam. I'm hoping all this practice she's getting with taking care of them will become beneficial for when her baby brother is born.

For a couple of weeks Addie seemed to go on a bit of a nap strike which was a little hard for me but thankfully she's back to her routine. It's been two weeks now of her taking her naps again and I count my blessings every day and hope that this phase lasts a long time. She was introduced to her new toddler bed this weekend which she has mixed feelings about. She prefers her crib so we're trying to figure out how best to transition her to the bed.
We were asked the other day who Addie seems to take after and immediately we thought of two things that stand out to us. Her stubbornness was one thing. She's stubborn like Danny. An example of this is when we tell her she only has two  bites left before she's done with a meal she'll fight it and easily will sit for forty five minutes in her high chair all while refusing to take just those last two small bites. The second thing is that she's a little OCD like me when it comes to having messy hands. She hates to have her hands dirty. Sometimes she'll ask to have them wiped between each bite so we always have a wipe nearby. The other day Danny had some paint on his arm from when he was painting her dresser and new bed and she was so concerned about it and wouldn't relax until Danny cleaned up. It was kind of funny. She also likes to point out every time Georgia gets into the toys and makes a mess. She likes things cleaned just like me. :)

We are no longer her nursery teachers and I miss that calling but it's nice knowing she had no issues with adapting to her new teachers. She's usually pretty shy and it takes her a minute to warm up to people that she doesn't know very well, but she's done just fine walking into nursery without us.

She absolutely loves her aunt Pollyanna and her aunt Jaina. Whenever someone calls she asks if I'm talking to 'Poe Poe' and whenever we get into the car she asks if we're going to see Jaina. Her favorite place is probably Grandma Colleen's house or Danny's parents house and she cries every time we leave to go back home from either places.
Calling her a picky eater would be an understatement. She is a very picky eater. If it was up to her we would eat pizza, french fries and Navajo tacos every night. She got two out of the three for her birthday weekend so she was happy about that.

She has dark green eyes and I wish I could see the world as she sees it through them. She finds joy in little things and I love it. The other day while in the car she noticed a picture of a little pig on the bracelet she was holding. She was so excited and talked about it for a full twenty minutes. She found the little picture so amazing and exciting that her daddy and I couldn't help but laugh. If only adults could be so easily pleased with things like little kids are. When Addie gets excited over something she feels the need to repeat it over and over again and each time she tells you something it's like she's telling you for the very first time. This phase she's in of repeating everything is cute for right now but I hope it dies down in the next coming years. :)

We love our little girl and don't know what we would do without her around. She's a huge part of our hearts and I pray she always knows it. We love our Addisyn Rae.

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