Sunday, October 6, 2013

Looking Forward to Eternity

        Danny and I have now been married for a little over a month and this has definitely been the most exciting month of my life. It’s funny how easily love can grow each day even though when at the moment I look at him and think “I don’t think anyone can love someone as much as I love him” and then the next day I prove myself wrong. Right now we are settling down into our hectic schedules which isn’t the most fun thing to do. With my work schedule combined with both his work/school schedule we get lucky if we get three meals together each week. I guess some could say that we are still in our honeymoon phase because we never get to see each other. In these last couple of weeks I have learned a lot of lessons, here are three:
1)      I am capable of cooking!! Yep that’s right. It’s great the things you can teach yourself when you take your focus away from the internet, phone and tv (however I did use You Tube to learn how to sauté onions).
2)      Marriage makes life no longer just about me and the things that I want to have or the things that I want to do. I am now a part of a team – an eternal team. I have a life partner who will now forever be a part of life’s big decisions and ultimately my happiness as well as his happiness.
3)      The Gospel is the key to being happily in love. I loved companionship study as a missionary but when your new companion is your husband it makes this study time even better. Reading the scriptures daily and together has filled our little place with a spirit that I never want to get rid of. Reading the scriptures together has helped make those ancient words clearer than it’s ever been before.
I’m excited for each new day that I get to spend with my best friend.


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