Saturday, June 7, 2014

Quarter of a Century


                You are now a quarter of a century old!! There aren’t enough words deep enough to completely express how I feel about you. I feel a million percent blessed and lucky that you chose me to be your eternal companion.

                Here are just 25 reasons why I love you . . .

  1.       I come second to you and I wouldn’t have it any other way. The day that GOD stops being your priority is the day I’ll become worried.
  2.       Your quick ninja like moves come in handy when a spider dares to enter the room.
  3.       You never hesitate when it comes to priesthood blessings.
  4.       You know how to turn frowns into smiles.
  5.       You are already so in love with our unborn DAUGHTER and you sing to her as much as you can.
  6.       You don’t complain “too” much about me hogging the bed.
  7.       You watch chick flicks with me and pretend to enjoy them.
  8.       You’re a believer in Bigfoot.
  9.       You’re patient with me when we go fishing or golfing even though I’m probably just disturbing the peace.
  10.       You make sure our conversations always end with “I LOVE YOU”.
  11.       A bad day to you means getting an A- on a test.
  12.       You’re willing to compromise when it comes to things like Christmas trees (PS. I still think fake pre-lit trees are the way to go).
  13.       You like to read five different books at the same time.
  14.       You always let me know where you are.
  15.       You tell me I’m BEAUTIFUL every single day.
  16.       You build up my faith when I am weak.
  17.       You like to make breakfast on Sunday mornings.
  18.       You like to sing and dance at the most random times.
  19.       You’ve never yelled at me.
  20.         SCRIPTURE reading is important to you and you make sure we do it even when we’re far apart.
  21.       You stay loyal to your teams even if they’re not so great.
  22.       You’re financially smart.
  23.       You make time to go on walks with me.
  24.       You make me want to be a better person.
  25.      You LOVE me for me.
I love you Daniel George and I hope you get the birthday of your dreams today!!

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