Sunday, August 23, 2015

Anniversary Week

We've now been married 740 days as of yesterday afternoon! I used to be scared of marriage because I thought that eternity was a long time. Now I see that eternity isn't long enough.

To celebrate our two years of marriage we had an anniversary week. Fortunately it happened to be Danny's one week off from school so every morning he would leave for work but then every evening we left the house for our planned activity. Instead of us going away for a romantic night or on our own family vacation getaway we decided to find activities to do around town which was great because Danny didn't have to lose hours at work and we were still able to celebrate everyday.
Danny and I had been wanting to eat at a restaurant that neither of us had ever been to. The rules were that we couldn't do any research about the place like looking up reviews or the menu. We had to just drive until we saw a place that was completely foreign to us. There aren't any restaurants in Mapleton where we live so we decided on Springville which isn't that much bigger but they at least have food options. We stopped at a restaurant shaped as a trolley car and went in. Apparently it was a tasty ribs place but we never got to taste the food. Long story short we walked out after twenty minutes of being ignored and a heated conversation with the manager. We almost thought to drop the whole idea about eating at an unknown place and just pick up fast food because we were so hungry but then we came across a Thai restaurant we had never noticed before. The food was amazing (it helped that we were starving). We ended up tipping very well based on how polite and professional their service was. We also took some take out menus home with us because we can't wait to eat from there again. The first night of our anniversary week started off rocky but ended on the upside.
The three of us celebrated the second day by going on a short hike to a waterfall near the Provo Canyon. Danny and I both took turns carrying Addie in the carrier. We got to sit down and rest while watching another hiker repel down the waterfall which was pretty cool. This hike made Danny want to take more nature walks as a family which I'm perfectly okay with that idea. Addie seemed to love the hike as well and would giggle every time she felt the wind on her face. 
Danny has lived near the Art City Museum for nearly twelve years and has never gone inside so we all went for the first time together. Addie doesn't understand that some places ask for silence and instead took the opportunity to just talk and squeal away. Luckily the museum was pretty empty and we were one of the only few people there in the whole three story building so we felt better about Addie's loud behavior. In the museum's basement they had a play area that we enjoyed with a campground story telling station set up. Danny made up a good story on the spot about him being a young boy in Africa. I told a story afterwards and after maybe five minutes of me starting to share it Danny figured out that I was using the same plot from the movie The Goonies. Before leaving the museum we walked around their courtyard outside and looked at their statues.
On Thursday we all went to Jolly's Ranch in Hobble Creek Canyon for an end of summer ward party. We ate Dutch oven cooking and scones for dessert. We've been in our ward for a year now but since we work in the primary we don't really get to interact with anyone. We stayed at the party for awhile before leaving and then we relaxed with a movie at home. 
We've been wanting to go to the Hogle Zoo all summer so we finally went. Pollyanna and Aria also joined us and it was a lot of fun! This summer the zoo has a dinosaur theme going on (zoorassic park) so with Danny being such a huge dinosaur lover I knew I had to include this activity in our anniversary week. I thought Addie might be a little scared of the dinosaur robots because she hated the giant stuffed bear at Bear World but I was wrong. She loved every single dinosaur there! She even started laughing when she heard the T Rex roar. Both Addie and Aria loved all the animals we saw. We also watched the bird show and a huge owl swooped right over our heads. It was a little too close for my comfort but Danny thought it was the coolest thing ever and Addie seemed to love it too. The only thing that we missed out on was the gorilla and monkey exhibit. It was closed this day for repairs which was sad because Addie LOVES monkeys and I really wanted her to see them up close. Oh well. Other than that the zoo experience was pretty perfect and I'm glad that Pollyanna and Aria joined us. 
This was our actual anniversary day and the ending of our anniversary week. We didn't set our alarms and all three of us slept til noon. We were in shock that it happened! Especially Danny because he's definitely a morning person. Apparently our zoo day had us all wiped out! Danny made a delicious lunch for us since we missed breakfast and then we got ready for our day. We dropped off Addisyn at Mike and Jill's house so Danny and I could go to a movie. The movie was great at the beginning but for the majority of it we both got pretty bored and we missed Addie a lot. Haha Danny would probably deny this but since my dad is probably the only other person who reads this blog I'm going to post this anyway... Danny teared up near the end of the movie because he was thinking of our daughter! Haha I mean I did too but that's no surprise. How cute is Danny though? :) We left the theater and picked up Addie before going out to eat as a family of three. Apparently Addie had a blast but then again she is obsessed with their dog Champ so we knew she would have fun.  She can say dog now and it's really cute. :) We ended the night at a baseball game. I have no clue who won or who was even playing because we mostly just watched Addie crawl around on the grass. She made friends with another baby which was fun to watch because they were only a week or two apart in age. 
It's now Sunday and I can't help but look back on our week and smile. I love being the mother to our Addisyn Rae and the wife to my husband of two years. Here's to many more years and many more memories!
I had to post one more picture because Addie was too cute today snuggling with her elephant she got from the zoo.
Links of our first anniversary:

Thursday, August 13, 2015

According to Him. According to Her.

Danny and I have almost been married for two years now! I still can't believe how much has happened in the past two years. Something that I've learned about myself recently is that I love weddings. I think it's because I get so excited for the new bride and groom and the adventure that they are about to start. Addie is taking her nap right now so I started looking through our wedding pictures and I came across a picture that showed one of the center pieces that we had on our reception tables. I couldn't help but laugh at the description that Danny and I came up with for each other. It makes me curious to know what we would write about each other now after being married for two years. Hmm but then again maybe I don't want to know. :)

These center pieces were double sided and had these words on them . . .


Danny was born two months after Gina and loves to remind her about it. Danny is the world’s only Cleveland Browns fan and is not scared to admit it. He can always be cheered up with a plate of brownies. He has the voice of an angel and the moves like Michael Jackson. Tears only fall from Danny’s face if he’s watching a Glee episode. Danny’s pet peeve is when people text and drive. Danny learned how to be a hard worker while growing up on a farm and working at his family’s restaurants. Danny loves anything that has to do with water (fishing, boating, swimming, wakeboarding etc). Someone who has strongly impacted Danny’s life was Alex Burton and one day I will thank him for the life he had lived. Danny learned how to fluently speak Hiligaynon and learned the dialects Cebuano, Tagalog, and Samoan while serving the people of the Philippines Bacolod Mission. He is currently a student at UVU working on his generals and hopes to do something science related. Danny was shaking from head to toe when proposing to Gina from fear that she would say no.

Danny will spend the rest of his life from this day forward with his best friend (which is me – Gina Ferguson) by his side. :)

And on the other side . . .


Heaven’s door was opened on an Easter weekend, the day Gina was born. Gina is a hater of cinnamon and being tickled (two of my favorite things).  Gina has a weird habit of neatly folding her napkins, wrappers and trash before throwing them away. She also drives an old person rocket ship, but I can’t really complain because it gets 50 MPG.  Normal people cry when they are sad, Gina cries when she is happy. Throughout Gina’s life she has gained a great love for traveling and has a collection of hotel cards to prove it.  John Stockton was her childhood hero. Gina is a red sweater wearing girl meaning she graduated from the U of U but will one day repent and convert to the blue side. Though the Ute fact is sad, it’s not as sad as the fact that Gina has never seen Star Wars (I’ll fix that). Gina has a love for service and after serving in the Brazil Belo Horizonte Mission she volunteered at a refugee resettlement center and is now a crisis counselor. Gina was once a dating queen, until I came in the scene (those 10 other guys had nothing on me). Even though throughout dating Gina avoided marriage talk like the plague I knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me (who wouldn’t?).

Gina will get to spend eternity with her best friend which would make me (Danny Ferguson) the luckiest man alive. :)

Boy were we cheesy or what?