Monday, August 22, 2016

Night In The Lighthouse - Third Year Anniversary

It's now been three years of marriage for Danny and I! Because today is Danny's first day of his fall semester as well as his first day returning to the late evening shift at work we celebrated our anniversary about a week and a half ago on the 11th. It was very much needed. We spent the evening walking around City Creek, eating at Olive Garden and then headed to our favorite hotel, The Anniversary Inn. We love this place! It was our third time there but each time is it's own different experience. It's a cute Bed and Breakfast place where each room has a unique theme and in the morning the breakfast is delivered straight to your door. The room we stayed in this year was a surprise to me from Danny. He picked out the room and I had to keep my eyes closed as we walked up to it so the surprise wouldn't be ruined. He chose the Lighthouse Suite. I loved it and he did too even though this room was technically his third choice. He tried twice for two other rooms he wanted so maybe one of these years I'll get to surprise him with one of the rooms he tried to get (the Bridal Veil Falls Room and the Lake Powell Suite). I needed to document the names of those rooms in case future Gina does try to get those for him. Chances are that even if he reads this last part anytime soon he won't remember a year from now so I'm not worried about him knowing I might do this.
'Lighthouse Suite' - 3rd Anniversary
*Instead of staying at the Anniversary Inn for our 2nd anniversary last year we celebrated with a week of activities.*
'Mountain Hideaway' - 1st Anniversary
'Mysteries Of Egypt' - Wedding Night
It was nice to get away with no distractions or agenda. I'm someone who likes to have every hour planned out but instead I enjoyed just relaxing with no care as to what came next. The evening wasn't completely stress free though for Danny and I and that's because we're parents, so naturally we worried a little about Addie and how she was doing. It was her first sleepover and she struggled a bit. Okay, she struggled a lot. We thought she'd be in bed by 8 pm but the poor girl fought sleep until after 1 am. Not only did we feel bad for Addie but we also felt bad for Jaina who I'm sure was also tired and just wanted to sleep. I'm not sure what we're going to do as far as bedtime for her when I'm at the hospital having her little brother. I guess I have a few months before I need to worry about that.
This was when we picked her up. She was so tired from not sleeping at her sleepover.
Right now I'm just going to be grateful for everything I have and for the marriage we have achieved. Not everyday has been roses, but everyday has been for our good. Being a full time husband, father, student and provider isn't easy so I appreciate everything he does and sacrifices for us! We're so much closer now than we ever were three years ago when we decided to make a promise to each other for the rest of our eternity. If someone asked me back then how I'd picture life with Danny I wonder what I would've said. I wonder what Danny would've said if he'd been asked about me. I'm sure we never would've pictured ourselves where we're at but I'm beyond happy we said yes to each other. Even if that does mean that today was a little chaotic because Addie wasn't feeling great and refused to take a nap, I felt like a mess all day, Georgia was tired because Addie's crankiness kept her awake and I was missing Danny because he left early for school and doesn't get home from work until after 10 pm tonight. Today wasn't the most exciting day but at the end of it I still wouldn't trade it for anything. This is my life and I don't want to picture it any other way.
Danny's dinosaur painting was finished just in time for our anniversary. I stopped by his work to show him.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Follow Up Ultrasound

Baby Boy - It will be nice to officially call you by name instead of referring to you as baby boy or baby brother. At this point though the name we're leaning towards has gone from 75% sure to maybe 80% so I guess that's progress. It was really nice to see you again today at my appointment. Everything looks good and healthy. You're growing big and strong just like we need you to. Well, actually big isn't exactly true because you're measuring a little on the small side at barely over one pound (30th percentile) but that's okay. You still have time to pack on weight. Your sister did set the bar kind of high being born in the 80th percentile at 8 pounds 8 ounces. There's no pressure in trying to beat her weight. I would be perfectly okay not having to push out a baby that big again. 😊

Just like you did at the last ultrasound you were found curled up in a tight ball. The only difference was that you were somewhat active today, at least enough that they were able to get all the measurements they needed. You would move and stretch but we got the feeling that you were only moving because of prodding from the sonogram and you were trying to get comfortable again in your ball position. I'm hoping this means that you're a cuddle bug. I think your daddy hopes so too because Addie seemed to get over that phase a long time ago and he misses it.

Little man we already feel so much love for you. You're joining a family of excited parents and a rambunctious but loving sister. After today I shouldn't be getting any more ultrasounds so I guess I can wait 16 weeks before I get to see your little face. If you're anything like your sister I'm sure you'll still have big kissable cheeks. Keep baking until then, and on our end we'll do our best to figure out your name before we see and hold you.
Your hand was reaching up by your face.
I can already see chubby cheeks here.
Your arms were always up by your face.
Still a Boy