Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Follow Up Ultrasound

Baby Boy - It will be nice to officially call you by name instead of referring to you as baby boy or baby brother. At this point though the name we're leaning towards has gone from 75% sure to maybe 80% so I guess that's progress. It was really nice to see you again today at my appointment. Everything looks good and healthy. You're growing big and strong just like we need you to. Well, actually big isn't exactly true because you're measuring a little on the small side at barely over one pound (30th percentile) but that's okay. You still have time to pack on weight. Your sister did set the bar kind of high being born in the 80th percentile at 8 pounds 8 ounces. There's no pressure in trying to beat her weight. I would be perfectly okay not having to push out a baby that big again. 😊

Just like you did at the last ultrasound you were found curled up in a tight ball. The only difference was that you were somewhat active today, at least enough that they were able to get all the measurements they needed. You would move and stretch but we got the feeling that you were only moving because of prodding from the sonogram and you were trying to get comfortable again in your ball position. I'm hoping this means that you're a cuddle bug. I think your daddy hopes so too because Addie seemed to get over that phase a long time ago and he misses it.

Little man we already feel so much love for you. You're joining a family of excited parents and a rambunctious but loving sister. After today I shouldn't be getting any more ultrasounds so I guess I can wait 16 weeks before I get to see your little face. If you're anything like your sister I'm sure you'll still have big kissable cheeks. Keep baking until then, and on our end we'll do our best to figure out your name before we see and hold you.
Your hand was reaching up by your face.
I can already see chubby cheeks here.
Your arms were always up by your face.
Still a Boy

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