Sunday, November 13, 2016

Our Life Lately - Fall Catch Up

Halloween passed and Thanksgiving is fast approaching. Addie LOVED Halloween. She even loved all the spooky stuff and wasn't scared at all when it came to ghosts, mummy's and other monster decor. She found it all fascinating. The more decorated the house was the harder it was to pull her away from it because she loved it all. We went trick or treating in Mapleton again this year after first seeing Grandma Colleen and Grandpa Paul. Danny had to work so it was just Addie and I for a good while. It was really fun for me as a mom to take my little girl out and watch how much fun she was having. She was such a cute Little Red Riding Hood. We were later joined by Jaina, Donna, Jill, Georgia and Rand's kids. At one point we had all the Ferguson grandchildren trick or treating together before Addie and I left because it was getting late. She really got the hang of trick or treating. The weekend before Halloween Jill and I took Addie and Georgia to a trunk or treat activity and by the time we were done going through all the cars Addie tried going again for a second round. I didn't let her but maybe I should have because she didn't pick out the best candy for her mama to eat later. :) We'll have to work on that for next year.
Georgia wandered off and this is sadly the best picture of the group.
3 Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf
Rand and Ashley went with a Star Wars theme.
We started a little tradition last year with some friends I've had since middle school (Charisa J. and Jeni S.) where we get together and have the kids paint pumpkins. We continued it again this year and it was a blast. Charisa's sister joined this year and between the four of us ladies we had ten kids. They all did really well except for the occasional times where the paint would end up on each other instead of the pumpkins. Addie had just turned one last year so I mostly painted her pumpkin but this year she was able to do it all by herself and she did great.
Snuggling with Charisa's baby girl.
Addie with Charisa's handsome boys.
I've said this before and I'll say it again; holidays are so much better with children involved. Addie is now looking forward to Christmas since all the stores in the area have their seasonal decorations up. She especially loves Christmas trees and I can't wait to see the look on her face when we put ours up next weekend.

Lately I've been super aware of the fact that soon Addie will not be an only child so I've been trying to do more and more things with her while I still can. Her favorite thing is when I take her to Danny's school and we have lunch on campus with him. She loves the environment, seeing Danny and just being free to roam around their grounds. Her toy kitty is still her favorite and she HAS to have kitty join us on our outings. She even gets upset if we sit down somewhere to eat and there isn't an extra seat for her kitty to sit on. It's kind of cute but I'll be honest in saying that it can also be an inconvenience. 
Baby boy was also celebrated in October with a baby shower. I went back and forth on deciding if I wanted a baby shower or not but I'm glad I did. It was held at Grandma Colleen's house and put together by Jill and Marie. It was a good turnout and I'm grateful for the gifts we were given. This baby boy is already loved by so many. The shower ended with a dinosaur pinata that I could not for the life of me break open. Several of us took turns trying to use the toy bat to break open the dinosaur and finally a little boy succeeded. 
It's almost the middle of November now and it's already been eventful as far as our country goes. The presidential elections happened and the people voted for Donald Trump. This is my third time being able to vote and I still have never seen my vote go to the elect (McCain 2008, Romney 2012 and McMullin 2016). That's okay though. In other smaller news, Danny was able to almost witness another Cleveland victory. Almost. The Cleveland Indians lost to the Chicago Cubs in game seven of the world series. It was a great game but the Indians came up short. I definitely married into a Cleveland sports marriage and the win would have been nice but the loss is also okay. It was a fun game either way. Danny says that humility is a requirement when it comes to being a Cleveland fan.
And one more picture just to show how much Addie loves her kitty. 

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