Monday, April 24, 2017

Jaina's Temple Day

Jaina went through the Provo City Center Temple last weekend and she looked beautiful of course. Danny and I knew what time we needed to be dressed and there and yet we still barely made it. I'm glad we were able to get there just in time especially since this was our first time back since having Hudson. Danny and I are both so happy for Jaina and we loved that we were able to make time for the temple today. It was definitely needed.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Easter 2017

Easter this year was a really good one. Danny and I have agreed to do bunny Easter celebrations on Saturday leaving the actual day to be more focused on Christ and his life. I took the kids to the store on Friday for some last minute basket shopping which was fun and Addie even picked out stuff to go into Hudson's basket. After the kids were in bed that night I got all the baskets put together for the four of us. Addie was pretty happy the next morning when she got her basket full of goodies. Because I'm nursing Hudson I had to stay away from chocolate this year but I'm already counting down the days until I can enjoy some sweet chocolate Cadbury eggs. 
Saturday afternoon I drove to Salt Lake to join some of my siblings for an Easter egg hunt. Danny needed to go to school to study but overall we had a good time.
Addie decided she wanted to eat spaghetti right before we needed to leave. :)
Her cousin Abbie taught her she can roll herself down the hill.
Cousin Nikki
Holding his Easter bunny.
Even though Danny had to study he made sure to be home just in time for us to dye eggs. It was our first time doing it as a family and Addie definitely enjoyed it. She loved dropping the eggs in each color cup and pulling them out once she thought they were ready. 
Wearing Daddy's shirt.
Easter morning started off relaxing as we all got ready for church. We had a nice short message on Gethsemane and then we were getting ready to walk out the door when suddenly something happened. Something very stinky . . . Hudson had a major blowout. All over his new Easter outfit and all over himself. He's become quite the pro when it comes to rolling over which wasn't fun when we were trying to get him to sit still as we were cleaning him up. Needless to say we did not make it to our sacrament meeting. The only way to clean up his mess was to throw him in the tub for a washing. Luckily he had a cute backup Easter outfit that he was able to wear and we made it for the second and third hour of church. I'm hoping that next week I'll be able to get better pictures of him in the outfit I intended for him to wear on Easter. 
Blurry picture.
Notice his shirt and pants. 
We ended the day at the Ferguson's with Dave, Donna, Jon and Rand's family. All of the girls were in Hawaii on a last sister trip before Jaina leaves on her mission. Once they're back we plan on doing another Easter get together with our annual family Easter egg hunt.
I'm so grateful that because of our Savior Jesus Christ I get to be with my family forever. There's no greater blessing than that.
She fell and landed perfectly in this basket.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Recent Outings

I've discovered recently that I am a much nicer and happier mama when I can take my kids and myself out of the house. It doesn't really matter what we do I always feel better and I've learned that Addie is just like me. We get so bored staying indoors and she's always a happier toddler when we go do things together. Every week for the past four weeks I've been able to find at least one activity or place for us to do or visit and it's been such a game changer when it comes to our moods here. Even if the weather doesn't look nice I've been able to successfully take Addie and Hudson out and it's been so fun seeing Addie enjoy herself. It's also been good for me to visit my family and friends. Hudson doesn't seem to mind either way, actually if he could talk he'd probably say that the car rides have been his favorite because some days his best naps happen to be during the rides. Anyway the following are some pictures of our recent visits.

Week 1 - Pollyanna's Place
This is where I took the least amount of pictures because I wasn't thinking much about it. I called my sister and asked if she'd be interested in doing a girls playdate with our friend Flor and her daughter. It was last minute but we were all able to catch up and visit while each of our daughters played together. It was also Flor's first time meeting Hudson. The last time that all three of us got together was a week before he was born so a girl's day was due. The only picture I got of that day was of Hudson testing out his future cousin's new play mat. Pollyanna's baby could be here next month which means we'll be driving out to her place a lot so I can get some newborn baby cuddles from my baby niece.
Week 2 - Butterflies
My cousin Allen and I had been trying to arrange a playdate for Addie and his son Samian for a couple weeks and we finally made it happen. Allen called us and said that he had raised butterflies and was going to release them and wanted to know if Addie would enjoy being a part of that. I'm personally not a fan of butterflies but I knew that Addie would LOVE it. I was right. She had so much fun. She wasn't scared at all and loved having them all over her. At one point she had three at one time. I couldn't get myself to get too close to them but Addie was able to just scoop them right up by placing her finger next to them. I did my best to hide my fear of all things bug from her because I don't want her thinking that she needs to be scared of them too. 
After it was released
Week 3 - Park
Addie was looking forward to the park all week and was super excited that I had invited Jaina to join us. The morning of that day Addie asked me when we were going to go so I told her that it would be after her nap. She was so eager for the park that she got in bed and took a nap at 11:45am. Her usual nap time is at 1pm. It's been so long since we've been able to go to the park and it was just what we needed for all of Addie's energy. The park has a trail that goes around the park and it touches the backyard fences of the houses near there and there's one house that we always make sure to stop at because they always have lots of goats roaming in their yard. This time we counted twelve goats and Addie was in heaven. She loved feeding them grass through the chain linked fence and I loved watching her. 
Hudson's first time at the park and he wasn't even aware of it at first. Napping away.
Week 4 - Charisa's House
One of my best friend's is Charisa and Addie sure knows it. Whenever my phone rings and it's not Danny or Pollyanna then Addie assumes it's Charisa. We've been friend's since seventh grade and I'm glad this friendship is one we've made sure to keep throughout the years. She has four young kids and Addie always gets her fair share of fun over there. We tried to get a group picture but trying to get six kids to look at the camera at the same time isn't the easiest thing to do.  

We only have three more weeks before Danny graduates from UVU and I'm so excited to have more time with him! I can't wait for this summer and more memories with my little family.