Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Ask Addie

Without prompting these were her answers to the following questions.

  • What is your name? Addie Rae
  • How old are you? Four
  • When is your birthday? September 30th
  • What is your favorite color? Rainbow
  • What is your favorite food? Spaghetti
  • Who is your best friend? Aria
  • What is your favorite song? Trolls
  • What is your favorite movie? Pokemon
  • What is your favorite animal? Baby unicorns
  • What are you scared of? Lions
  • What makes you happy? Unicorns
  • Where is your favorite place to go? Georgia's house
  • What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a mommy

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Blanket Fort Fun

Danny has been gone for about four weeks now and I've had to get creative on how to entertain these kids everyday by myself. I'm not sure why I didn't think of this earlier but I decided to do a blanket fort with the kids today. This was something that I should have done for them a long time ago because these kids were entertained for hours! They had so much fun and I was able to get things done while they played so it was a win win situation. Who would have thought that some blankets and some chairs would keep these guys occupied for as long as it did. This is definitely something that we'll be doing more often.

Pokemon Shoot

When Hudson was a little baby I took these pictures of him found here and the memories came flooding to me when I put this same little onesie on Grant. Addie has collected a lot of Pokemon stuffed animals this year because she is currently obsessed with them and when she saw the onesie she asked if I could take a picture of Grant with her toys. Of course I said yes. I'm never one to pass up a photo opportunity. 


Feeling grateful today for these three kiddos.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Cousin Princess Date

Addie was invited to Grandma and Grandpa Rueckert's house for a cousin hang out. They had a cute princess theme and and had pizza, games and ice cream sundaes at the end. Addie was able to enjoy this princess date with four of her cousins. She was the youngest in the group of ages all five or six years old. Even though she was the youngest she still had a lot of fun. These are all pictures that were sent to me by my dad (her grandpa Rueckert).

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

300 Days Old!

Grant is 300 days old! I love this baby bean so much. He's a complete dream.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Treat Yourself

In my Mother's Day post I had mentioned that I ordered something for myself. It finally came and I love it and I'm glad I bought it. I had written a note to myself on the gift order that said "Treat Yourself". I had forgotten that I had written that until I saw it on the card that came with the box. Sometimes we do just need to treat ourselves though and this probably won't be the last time I do it. :)
Inside came this necklace with the four names of the people I love most in this world.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day

Danny is not able to be with me this year for Mother's Day and I spent it as a solo parent. It wasn't ideal but I did get the best big hugs from my three little humans. Addie gave me one of her old toys as a gift and said I could keep it. Hudson didn't run around church like a wild monkey so that was a win, and Grant couldn't wait to hang out with me so he kept me up all night and woke up super early. Lucky me.The best thing about today though was that I was able to FaceTime Danny. He got permission from his professor and although it wasn't a long conversation it was much needed. He also preordered flowers before he left so that I could have something on this day. It was nice of him to do that. I also received a surprise visit and flowers from a good friend in our ward. It helped take some of the loneliness that I felt today. A couple weeks ago I was having a hard night thinking about the fact that I wouldn't get to celebrate Mother's Day this year so I ordered something for myself. It didn't come in time but I'm still excited to receive it. Being a parent can be hard but these three little people are my everything. 
This girl is my mini me. She thrives on Addie-Mommy time. She loves her brothers (especially Grant) but needs our along time so she can emotionally recharge. It's a good thing her brothers both nap at the same time because it's our favorite two hours of the day. She wears her emotions on her sleeve. When she's happy she's REALLY happy and when she's sad she's really sad. She feels deeply and I see it as a strength. She loves art and dancing and is currently obsessed with My Little Pony and Pokemon. Two polar things but she can talk non stop about both and does. As a little girl I always dreamed of the day I would get the mother daughter relationship with my own and she's given me exactly that. I love this spunky, emotional, passionate artsy girl.
This boy is my runner. He'd rather run than walk at all times. He's my best eater and is always willing to try a new food. He especially loves healthy foods and will choose a salad over junk food most every time. He gives amazing tight hugs and believes that any owie can be made better with a kiss. He loves dinosaurs and cars and looks forward to going down for a nap everyday. He loves being outside and could care less what the weather is like as long as he's not inside. He's my Ferdinand. Strong and obsessed with flowers. He's the sweetest stinker I know. I love my Huddy Buddy and couldn't picture our family without him.
This bean is my biggest surprise and complete joy. His love for me is unreal. Part of it I'm sure is because I'm currently his personal food truck but there's something about our bond that runs super deep. I regret not being able to initially bond with him during my pregnancy but that has definitely been made up for. He has a lot of love to give and maybe soon he'll show more of it to others once he gets past this stranger danger phase. For now though I'm his world and that's fine by me.
As much as I love them and would do anything for them, I'm also counting down the days for my other half to come home so we can parent them together. 

Friday, May 10, 2019


I'm going to say it . . . age four is way better than age three. She's so much fun these days.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Keeping Up With Tradition

I've taken similar photos of both Addie and Hudson and it only felt right to continue on with Grant. :)

Addie's picture.
And this is Hudson's picture.