Monday, December 2, 2019

Third Birthday Letter To Hudson Boy

Dear Hudson Boy,

I made sure to add the Boy to your name for this letter. You make everyone call you Hudson Boy. If they forget the "Boy" part you'll correct them and it's the funniest thing ever. You're such a sweet boy and everyone just loves you. When I describe you as sweet I really mean it. You're tenderhearted and I'm so proud you have that quality. If someone is upset or crying you are the first to go and see if you can help in any way. You'll give hugs and kisses to your siblings after they were the ones who might have wronged you. You still want to make sure that they're okay when they're in trouble. You're a great comforter and you're happy when others are happy. I mentioned this before but you also have the best laugh. You'll do anything to get others to laugh and it always works. You're silly and fun to be around. 

This last year your vocabulary really took off. You started speaking clearly and in full sentences over the summer and I was so excited for your daddy to come home from his seven week long trip to hear you speaking so well. I loved watching you reach new milestones when it came to your speaking. You also stopped having so many ear infections which I think really helped as well. I was worried when your dad would be gone for a couple months how you would handle it because you are very close to him, but you did really well. We actually really connected over those months and I loved it because I missed being that person for you. I was your whole world until Grant was born but now I'm back to being your buddy again and I couldn't be happier. You still love your dad like crazy and he's your biggest hero but now you look at me with those same eyes again and I cherish it deeply. It also helps that I get to have some special one on one time with you four days a week while Addie is at preschool and Grant is taking his naps. I look forward to those times and I know you do too. 

Happy birthday Hudson Boy. I love you to the moon and back and I hope you never forget it.

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