Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Sixth Birthday letter to Addie Rae

Dear Addie,

You finally can use two hands to show how many years old you are and you think that's the coolest thing ever. I guess I now have to use two hands too to show how many years I've now been a mom. :) It's crazy how much you've grown this past year. I find myself thinking all the time about how grownup you seem these days. You're not our little preschooler anymore and instead you're really becoming into your own which is really cool to see. You love arts and crafts and your favorite day of the week is Friday because that is art day at school. You love making new friends and you're no longer shy about making new friends wherever we go. You always gravitate towards kids a little older than you and by the time we have to leave whatever place we're at it seems like you know everything there is to know about that kid you just met and were playing with. You're a little talker for sure and can chat and chat all day long. You love to make people laugh and you try really hard to choose the right. You're becoming a lot more patient with your little brothers and you're definitely excited to hopefully gain a sister in March. We've found out that you're a great secret keeper which is awesome for us at this time (my pregnancy) but also will put me on high alert when you use this skill during your future teenage years. :) 

Addie I love you and your kind heart. I love that you are trying really hard to get through your personal trial of anxiety and I believe that you'll overcome it. You have a great support system and I'm your biggest fan and will do whatever is best for you. I love you and the fact that you're one of my very best friends.



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