Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter Conference Weekend

Who would have thought that a year would pass and we'd still be in a pandemic. This year we didn't celebrate Easter entirely alone though. Jill messaged me Friday night and asked if she can come by the next day and throw us an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids. I had already bought everything for us to do our own hunt here but I decided to take her up on her offer, plus I know the kids get really excited when cousins comes over. I'm glad I wasn't stubborn and didn't stick with my original plans because Jill told me how bad she had been feeling about not being over to help out and decided that this was the least she could do. She had come over once when the babies were a week old to meet them and then shortly after that Max got sick and time just got away from everyone so I understand why she hadn't come over and wasn't offended or upset by it because we were grateful to keep any sicknesses away from the babies at this time anyway. I could have thrown our own egg hunt but I would have deprived Jill from this service opportunity and everybody had so much fun that she had stopped by with Georgia and Jayden. Plus it turned out way better than the egg hunt I would have thrown to be honest. 








After the egg hunt Jill was able to snuggle some babies before heading out and then we turned General Conference on for the afternoon session. We decided to gift our kids with some new lego sets and puzzles to help keep them entertained and quiet while Danny and I tried to get as much as we could out of conference. It turned out to be so helpful that we'll probably do the same thing in six months when conference comes around again because the kids did so well. After the afternoon session we headed back outside because the kids requested that we do more egg hunts with them. We would hide the eggs for them and once they were all found we'd hide them all again. We did this over and over until we went back inside for dinner and priesthood session. 





Today is actually Easter but we always do the egg baskets on Saturday morning instead of Sunday to keep the focus more on Jesus Sunday morning. The kids don't mind because they get to 'celebrate' a day early. We hid their baskets and had them find it first thing Saturday morning before Jill came over for the egg hunt. The kids loved finding their baskets and were pleased to find out that they also got a little gift to go with it. Addie has been begging for a new Hatchimal animal and Hudson has been asking for a Superman toy so we used Easter as an excuse to finally fulfill their wishes. Grant hasn't asked for anything but lately he's been really enjoying Addie's old toy stroller so we decided to give him his own because it had been leading to some arguments over whose stroller it actually belonged to. Also in their baskets was one new summer outfit and one new swimsuit. I know that church attire is usually the norm for Easter but with this pandemic we still aren't back to regular church meetings so I didn't get them church clothes that they'd probably not get much use of. We originally didn't get the babies an Easter basket this year but luckily for them they received a care package from a baby company with free products worth over $100. We were so surprised with how spoiled they were by this company. It didn't cost us anything and all they want is some photos shared of our girls and their merchandise to help advertise their shop. It was amazing and super generous of them to want to have our babies represent them.



We had planned to dye Easter eggs on Saturday but this year with the weekend also being conference weekend we just ran out of time so we did that today between the morning and afternoon sessions. Easter is Addie's second favorite holiday so we didn't want to completely skip this activity this year. I love how excited the kids get with holidays and I wish everyday can feel like it has this weekend. Happy Easter 2021.


Hudson insisted on wearing his new swimsuit to bed last night.

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