Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Centennial Elementary

We got to see the kids' school for the first time last night. Their first official day is tomorrow. The thing they might be most excited about is that they all get to have lockers. Even I thought that was pretty cool until I learned it's because they need the storage for all their snow gear haha. This winter should be very interesting. Addie's teacher this year is Ms. Jensrud. She's so excited for her class this year. Apparently there are no typical class seatings like you'll usually see with desks lined up. Instead every Monday the kids get to choose where they will be sitting and their choices range from a rocking chair, to a high stool, to a bench and to couches. It's all very random and very comfortable looking. I'm interested to hear how that turns out with some students but Addie couldn't be more excited for it. Hudson's teacher is Mrs. Cromwell and Grant has Mrs. Linstaedt. Their classrooms are right next door to each other which is pretty cool. All three teachers seem to be very nice and welcoming which brings comfort to this mama heart. I can't believe that just like that the summer is coming to an end. It's going to be weird having them gone but I love that they are at least excited about it.

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