Thursday, October 31, 2024

Halloween Theme 2024

Avengers Assemble!

Happy Halloween from Hulk, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Captain America, Wasp and Ghost Spider.

That's twelve years of themes now. 
Danny is in charge of choosing our theme next year.
Quinn has lived in this costume for the past month.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

October Activities

I feel like we have been able to fit in many October activities just in the last six days. With all the different activities and all the candy we don't even need to go trick-or-treating tomorrow. I'm sure the kids won't agree with that though. 😆

Thursday October 24th
BOO at NDSU - There was a huge Trunk-or-Treat planned at NDSU where they used four different dorm complexes and had it open for the community to come and trick or treat there. Each building had around five floors with games and treats offered on each one. You could knock on the dorm rooms and the college students had candy to pass out. We only went in one of the four buildings and I can't imagine doing more than that because just with the one that we did we got so much candy. Even if this was the only activity that we did the kids wouldn't even need Halloween from this single night alone. There bags were so heavy and will need to be replaced next year because most of them were dragged on the ground by the time we done with how full they were. We had three pokemon, one unicorn and one superhero.

Friday October 25th (Morning)
Playgroup Party - Every Friday we have a playgroup made up of moms from all three wards in the area. We all pitched in and threw a little Halloween party for the kids. Rylee was Wasp Girl again and Quinn chose her Ghost Spider costume.
The differences between the girls' sticker creation cracks me up.
Rylee's is on the left. Quinn's is on the right.

Friday October 25th (Evening)
School Trunk or Treat -
The kids had a trunk-or-treat at their elementary school with pizza served inside the school. The teachers had their cars decorated and the trunk or treat was set up for all the students which they loved. The only thing that we didn't understand until after we spent a very long time in the pizza line is that the pizza had a cost that many people weren't aware of. Because of our costumes we didn't even have our wallet on us so we all got in the car after and picked up McDonald's which the kids of course really loved. Danny, Addie, Rylee and I all dressed up as superheroes, the boys were Pokemon and Quinn was a unicorn.

Saturday October 26th
Mecham Benefit - There was a family that used to live here in Fargo and was well known in our Fargo Stake who just experienced a tragedy. A young wife lost her husband in a biking accident and is now a single mom taking care of her really young girls. A lot of members from our church hosted a benefit fundraising event to help them during this time of need. We didn't personally know this family but wanted to show our support especially to our friends who were all in charge of the event. The kids were able to do so much. They had so much food, games, bouncy houses, and activities. It was an event created because of a terrible and sad thing but the whole celebration felt so happy. The mom and her kids were back in Fargo for this and our girls played with their little girl. Seeing how much love and support the community was showing this family was really cool. I only have these pictures of Rylee and Quinn as the older three were off in different areas of this massive backyard. I also have videos of all the kids going down a zipline that was connected to a giant tree house they had. This backyard would be anyone's heaven on earth.
Wednesday October 30th
Church Trunk-or-Treat - We had so much fun at the church trunk-or-treat. They had a full dinner for everyone, then we went outside for the trunk-or-treat between all three wards. Danny passed out candy at our vehicle, while I walked around with Grant and the twins. I got so many people asking if they were triplets which I'm surprised that Grant really liked that. Addie and Hudson found friends to walk around with. We all dressed up as a superhero family. This is the only picture I took of the whole night and it's not even of any of us. Everyone started doing line dances so I quickly took a picture as we were walking out because we had to get home to put the kids to bed.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Hockey Lessons

Sometime soon after we moved here I got an email about a hockey opportunity for kids ages 4 to 8. It's called the First Shift program where kids with no experience can join and learn how to skate and become familiar with hockey. The cost is only $50 and that include every single hockey equipment, four learning lessons led by FYHA coaches, high school, Freeze, and Fargo Force athletes, plus four tickets to a Fargo Force hockey game which we went to over the weekend. Since we had two kids signed up we got a total of eight tickets. The cost for this program was too good to pass up. The program director even told me that Addie could join as well if she wanted to but she didn't want to. I couldn't believe all the equipment needed to dress each hockey player and I'm so glad that it was all included in the price. The duffle bag alone that we got cost more than the total price for the whole program. It was such a sweet deal. We fully planned on having the boys continue with their hockey journey once these four lessons were up until we found out the price for them to continue on. It was close to $1,000 for both boys to play. Granted it does last for five months so maybe I should factor that into the cost but wow that seems like a lot. All the games are also played on Sundays and we're not sure how to quite navigate that right now. The lessons are now done and the boys were able to keep everything but instead of signing them up for more hockey at this time we've decided to let them join Addie in her beginner ice skating lessons that start this weekend. Luckily there were still openings in her time slot and now all three will be able to learn the basics of skating and if the boys still want to play hockey in the future they'll have the skills to get them going. All in all I'm so glad they were able to do this. They had so much fun and watching them out there improve with each lesson was my favorite part of it all. Also they look so cute in all their gear.

Day 1: Of course I took as many pictures as I could on their first day. These are only a few of them. They started off with some ice aides to help them get going. By the middle of their first lesson Grant decided he wanted to do it without any help. I was so proud of him. Really of both of them. Watching Grant skate on his own was adorable. There was a bit of falling but he got up every single time and skated again.

Sweaty but happy boys.
Day 2: After seeing that Grant stopping using any help last lesson Hudson decided that he also can do the same. Once he decided to put a stick in his hand he took off. He made such a huge improvement from just one practice. It was so awesome to witness that. He had so much fun chasing a ball around with his stick trying to score. He used his stick as way to help him balance as well. Meanwhile Grant found fun in being spun around by his trainer for the evening. He would hold her hands while she glided with him. Eventually he also tried skating with his stick but found that to be a little difficult so he let that go and practiced more on just skating with no help.
Saying hi to Rylee.
Quinn had a stubborn moment where she threw a fit over us telling her she should wear something warmer. In the end she managed to get her way. Thankfully she understood that that would be the last time she would get to wear her 'princess' clothes to the hockey lessons. It's not very warm in the arena but she didn't care about that all.
Day 3: Both boys used their stick this time and they even skated together at the end of this lesson as they played near a goal net. Usually they end up in different ends of the rink and I find myself walking back and forth from one end to the other trying to watch as much as I can of both of them. Once again they improved even more since day one.
Day 4: Hudson was so excited that the whole Fargo Force team was here this day. He stayed as close to them the whole time. It's a little sad that it's all done but we're excited to continue to improve on the ice and even take their hockey sticks and maybe even play a family game later this winter when the outside rinks freeze over.