Avengers Assemble!
Happy Halloween from Hulk, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Captain America, Wasp and Ghost Spider.
Avengers Assemble!
Happy Halloween from Hulk, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Captain America, Wasp and Ghost Spider.
I feel like we have been able to fit in many October activities just in the last six days. With all the different activities and all the candy we don't even need to go trick-or-treating tomorrow. I'm sure the kids won't agree with that though. 😆
Sometime soon after we moved here I got an email about a hockey opportunity for kids ages 4 to 8. It's called the First Shift program where kids with no experience can join and learn how to skate and become familiar with hockey. The cost is only $50 and that include every single hockey equipment, four learning lessons led by FYHA coaches, high school, Freeze, and Fargo Force athletes, plus four tickets to a Fargo Force hockey game which we went to over the weekend. Since we had two kids signed up we got a total of eight tickets. The cost for this program was too good to pass up. The program director even told me that Addie could join as well if she wanted to but she didn't want to. I couldn't believe all the equipment needed to dress each hockey player and I'm so glad that it was all included in the price. The duffle bag alone that we got cost more than the total price for the whole program. It was such a sweet deal. We fully planned on having the boys continue with their hockey journey once these four lessons were up until we found out the price for them to continue on. It was close to $1,000 for both boys to play. Granted it does last for five months so maybe I should factor that into the cost but wow that seems like a lot. All the games are also played on Sundays and we're not sure how to quite navigate that right now. The lessons are now done and the boys were able to keep everything but instead of signing them up for more hockey at this time we've decided to let them join Addie in her beginner ice skating lessons that start this weekend. Luckily there were still openings in her time slot and now all three will be able to learn the basics of skating and if the boys still want to play hockey in the future they'll have the skills to get them going. All in all I'm so glad they were able to do this. They had so much fun and watching them out there improve with each lesson was my favorite part of it all. Also they look so cute in all their gear.
Day 1: Of course I took as many pictures as I could on their first day. These are only a few of them. They started off with some ice aides to help them get going. By the middle of their first lesson Grant decided he wanted to do it without any help. I was so proud of him. Really of both of them. Watching Grant skate on his own was adorable. There was a bit of falling but he got up every single time and skated again.