Saturday, October 24, 2015

Each Year Gets Better

Is it sad that this Halloween hasn't even passed yet and I already have plans and ideas for future themed costumes. My problem is that I've always been a planner. I can't help it. My first Halloween with Danny we dressed up as Mario and Luigi. At that point we had already made plans to dress up as ninja turtles the year after; and last year around this time I was already thinking of what we could be this year. My planning at times can be both a blessing and a curse. 
It's funny because as a kid I never got into the fun of dressing up at Halloween. I remember being a ghost every single year. How boring is that? Fast forward to this day where I have my own little family with tons of costume ideas floating around in my head. In a few short years Addie will develop her own ideas and opinions and will most likely not want to participate with what I'll have in mind for her, but for now she'll have to humor her crazy parents and our family themed costumes.

As of right now next year's theme is a toss up between Aladdin/Jasmine/Aboo and Grandma/Bad Wolf/Little Red Riding Hood. Also in the mix we're thinking farmers and a little lamb because we saw the cutest lamb costume. Today Danny added another possible option and was suggesting we dress up as characters from Jurrasic Park next year. We both agree that eventually when we have more kids we will definitely all dress up as the Power Rangers. Anyway I'm getting ahead of myself once again. 

Halloween is proving to be more fun as each year passes. 

This year we went with Danny's idea and did a Star Wars Theme. I'm happy with how it turned out. 

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