Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Baby Names

For the most part figuring out names has not been hard for us (partly because I'm such a future planner). Before Addie was even born we already knew the name of our next boy and girl. Now that I'm pregnant again I feel like we get to skip over the stress that comes with debating over names because we already know them.I can't even fathom the idea of going two days after your baby is born with still no name to go with him/her; but then again I'm probably the only one crazy enough to obsess over names before even being pregnant like I did.

I don't remember where we first heard the name Addisyn but Danny and I instantly agreed to it. The only thing I didn't love about her first name is that the sound is too close to her last name, Ferguson. I figured that she'll eventually change her last name one day after she gets married so it wasn't too big of a deal for me. Plus I loved the nickname Addie and liked the idea that she could go by that until she chooses otherwise. Danny and I both like the idea of having the middle names after someone of importance to us. It wasn't hard at all to figure out who we wanted Addie's middle name to be after.

Danny's grandpa Ray was really sick at the time and passed away a few months before Addie was born. We wanted to give her middle name after him. Danny's mom Donna is also named after Ray and was given the feminine version of Ray as a middle name. So Addisyn Rae is named after both her grandma and her great grandpa. 

After finding out that Addie was going to be a girl I tried to play around with other name options even though we had already decided on her full name. There was one other name that we both liked for a girl but both agreed that it didn't feel right for that baby. We decided to save that name for our future girl. The name was Riley. I'm pregnant again and if this baby is a girl she will be named Riley, only we've decided to go with the feminine spelling of Rylee.

Her middle name is the only tricky part for me right now. It will most likely be Gene and she'll be named after me, her grandpa and her uncle. My dad and my brother Sam both have the middle name Gene. My dad was given his middle name after an Eugene and then came up with Gina for me after himself. What started out as Eugene in our family tree changed to Gene then to Gina and now I'm thinking of bringing it back to Gene. The question I'm debating over now is whether or not I should switch it to Jean. I still don't know. In fact I'm having such a hard time deciding that part of me is wondering if I should just give her our second middle name choice of Colleen after Danny's grandmother who lives down the street from us. Only time will tell I guess.

Our boy name is super easy because it's the same name we would've given to Addie if she had been a boy, Hudson Daniel. Daniel is obviously from Danny's name. Hudson was a name I had always liked and the only one Danny would agree on. He shot down Stockton and Boston a long time ago (I'm over the name Stockton now but I'll still fight for the last kid to be named Boston).

Anyway, soon we'll finally know if this little peanut is our Rylee or if it's Hudson.

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