Saturday, June 25, 2016

Spring 2016

Forewarning: Picture Overload

I feel like it's been summer for over a month now but it technically just started this week. We've been spending a lot of our free nights at the water park and it's been fun because Addie begs us to go swimming every week. This summer is going to continue to be all about the pool and my favorite part about going is watching Addie get more and more comfortable and confident in the water. It's already such a huge difference from last summer where the water scared her. It might have also helped that we tried to go swimming a lot during the winter at the nearby rec center. Anyway, this post isn't supposed to be about summer just yet. Just as our summer is all about the water, our spring was all about the park. 

Unless it was raining we made sure to walk to the park every evening after her nap was taken and Georgia was picked up. We went so often that I'm sure it felt like a second home to Addie. 
I did mention earlier this week that I would be posting a lot of new posts in the next coming days, and I still have some more to post. This particular blog post however is really just because I need to upload a lot of pictures from my phone, hence the reason for the picture overload.

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