Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Danny's Month

I feel like it's been awhile since I've blogged and maybe it really hasn't and it just seems that way because so much has happened in the last month. With that said I'm sure this will be the first of many posts in the next few days. First off, Danny had a birthday and is now 27. Old man. But then again he'll just point out that I'm a couple months older. We're both old now. I was finally able to give him one of my surprises that I've been patiently (or anxiously) working on. I decided several months ago to write him 100 love notes and turn it into a book. I started near the end of February and finished my last note the night before his birthday. 
His birthday fell on a Tuesday this year which is one of the days that I have Georgia with us, so we decided to celebrate the next day on Wednesday because I have that day off from babysitting her. It also helped because I needed an extra day for the book to be printed and ready to give him. He woke up Tuesday morning to find a stack of new crazy ugly socks, an eight pack of diet coke and a birthday card from Addie. He has a love for church socks and the crazier and uglier they are the more he loves them. I remember growing up and every Father's Day I'd buy church socks for my dad but that was because it was an easy gift. I never imagined that guys actually want to receive socks for gifts. It blows my mind but I guess our kids will never have a problem trying to figure out future birthday or Father's Day gifts. Danny's big gift was a Fitbit he received from his parents. We picked up food from Red Robin that night and had a picnic at his family's farm. The picnic was Danny's idea since we never did get around to doing that for our May date. 

Like I previously mentioned the real celebration happened the next day. We spent it at the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point, which if Danny could get his way would be how he'd like to spend all his birthdays. Maybe next year I'll send him there by himself so that he can spend how ever many hours he'd like reading every plaque there is to read. :) Just kidding but seriously he'd love that. Addie seemed to enjoy it and I did too but I don't think anyone could enjoy it as much as he does. 
With that said we were both excited to eat at Rodizio's Grill. It's a Brazilian Steakhouse and our favorite birthday tradition. By the time we finished eating the book was ready to be picked up so we drove straight there for Danny's surprise. He loved how thoughtful it was and had no idea that I had been writing to him every night since February. My book to Danny wasn't my main gift to him though. He's been wanting some new running shoes for quite some time so the week after his birthday we were finally able to go get him some. We also decided to continue his birthday celebration by eating at Tucanos that week as well. We usually go to two Brazilian Steakhouses for his birthday month which I'm just fine with. :) 
Outside Tucanos waiting for us to be called in.
This month has been a great month to honor Danny and all he does for our family. We just had Father's Day this last Sunday where history was made. Danny is a Cleveland's fan, this means the Browns, Cavaliers and even the Indians. The sad thing for Danny though is that none of these teams are known for being good teams. Let's just say that Danny is pretty humble when it comes to sports because being a Cleveland's fan means getting used to a lot of losing. Well for the first time in history the Cleveland Cavaliers won the NBA championship game against the Golden State Warriors. Danny was ecstatic. He had been nervous leading up to that final game so I'm glad he was able to watch them win. It also helps that I didn't really have a gift for him so I told him that the Cav's win counted as his Father's Day gift. The truth is that I thought I had a gift for him beforehand  but apparently it needed more time and I didn't plan on any backup gifts. The last and final surprise I have for him is what he was supposed to get on Father's Day. I did end up telling him what it was and he's pretty excited to see it when it's finished. A couple months ago I got in contact with one of his good family friends who is a very talented painter and she's been secretly working on a dinosaur painting that he can hang in his future office. She's been working on it since April and we completely understand that she needs extra time with it. This is one gift that we are okay with waiting because all the time put into it will make the wait worth it. She doesn't know yet that I told Danny what the gift was but I couldn't show up empty handed on Father's Day haha. I'm still proud of myself that I was able to keep the book and painting both a surprise for as long as I did.

Oh and how cute is Addie in this little explorer's outfit? Her hat was a gift from a dinosaur museum in Vernal. I had to put her in this little outfit for Father's Day since her daddy is such a dinosaur lover.

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