Saturday, June 1, 2024

Halfway Goals Review

Well it's time to take a look at where I'm currently at with my goals for the year. So far with a quick glance it's not great haha. I did say though that I wanted to be more grateful this year. Grateful for what we have and where we are in life. I can say that I am. I wrote that I wanted to enjoy this phase and not worry so much about what's to come for us. So interesting that I wanted to establish that mindset because now we're moving here soon and instead of panicking or worrying about the unknown it's making me really want to savor every moment we have left here and embrace every part of the adventure ahead. I'm more excited than nervous which is a blessing. Now as for these goals I have in the areas below I could do a lot better. Good thing I have six months still. Here's a link to my 2024 goals post but I'll also post the main thing again below.

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2024 GOALS


-    Read The Book of Mormon along with Come Follow Me
-       Plan FHE weekly


-       Host a book club night
-       Plan date nights with Danny


-       Read 30 books this year
-       Have a 365 day streak practicing Portuguese on Duolingo


-       Eat a healthy meal every day
-       Lose ten pounds

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SPIRITUAL I need to improve with both of these. We've been great at family scripture reading but our pace isn't as fast as the Come Follow Me schedule so we're not aligned there but I'm still proud that we read them together. Where I could improve is with my individual study because I don't really have an excuse for why that study isn't in sync with Come Follow Me. I can definitely catch up. As for FHE lessons we started off really strong. We started doing lessons on Sunday mornings before church instead of watching cartoons but it's been awhile since we've done that. We can get back on track with this part of the goal.

SOCIAL Again not that great in this area. I have not hosted a book club which is kind of bummer timing because I think I might have just found the perfect book and now we'll be leaving here soon. Maybe my new ward will have a book club? And date nights are more like lunch dates but they aren't really scheduled or planned out. 

INTELLECTUAL I reached 30 books read this year yesterday! Finally an area where I crushed the goal. Maybe I should double it. Honestly I've really enjoyed finding new books to read or listen to. It's been really fun discovering new stories. I also reached my 365 day Portuguese streak back in February. I'm not too far away from 500 consecutive days now.

PHYSICAL I wish I could say that I was rocking in this area but I'm not. This has been the hardest goal for me going on three years now (thanks twins haha). I have been eating more healthy but it's not showing any correlation with the losing part. Still determined to keep working on it though.

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