Friday, August 29, 2014

A 'Wicked' Good Time

Last Friday was a blast. Our first anniversary is definitely one that I do not want to forget, for that reason I’m going to write about it here so later I can go back and read it.

Danny and I both woke up around 6am because he had to be at work by 7:30am. It was his last official day of training at his new job at UVU. I figured I would go with him to Orem so I can get a few last minute errands done before he got off at 12:30pm. I made sure that all of our things were packed the night before so that our day could begin as soon as he was off. Little did he know that I hid our picnic basket in his mom’s car the night before; so while I was driving around Orem his mom met me with the basket and picnic blanket. Danny’s favorite sub sandwich place is a place called Charley’s (which I had never heard of before moving to Utah County). He is obsessed with their philly cheese steaks so I thought that would be perfect for the surprise picnic I had planned. I’m sure he would have also appreciated nice homemade sandwiches (which would’ve been hidden overnight) but who can say no to nice, hot and fresh sandwiches? I’m pretty positive that given a choice he would pick Charley’s every time. An awesome thing about that morning is that the worker at Charley’s gave me one of the sandwiches for free even though I was still a stamp away from getting a free meal. Pretty sure he did it just to be nice and that it wasn’t a flirtatious gesture because he noticed my wedding ring and let’s face it . . . I’m . . . very . . . pregnant.

I was super excited to pick Danny up from work and I knew he would be hungry. When he got in the car I told him that I wanted to stop at a nearby park so we could plan out the rest of the day. As soon as we got there he figured out we were really there for a picnic. The food was still hot and the drinks were cold . . . delicious. The weather was perfectly breezy so we stayed there just talking for a good while. It’s crazy to think that in just a few weeks moments with just the two of us will be rare.
We left the park and drove straight to the Salt Lake Temple were we quickly changed and did sealings. Boy was the temple busy, it was also very hot. If anyone would’ve told us on our wedding day that I would be nearly eight months pregnant exactly one year later we (Danny and I) would have both laughed. I thought a lot about our baby while in the temple last week. I know this sounds crazy but I got the feeling that somehow our baby girl knew exactly where we were and what we were doing. I seriously cannot wait to see her little face and hold her in my arms. One thing is for sure this little girl is coming into a home where her parents are still 110% in love with each other. Danny and I both strongly believe that the best thing we can do as parents to our little girl is to show her that we truly love one another. After leaving the temple we walked around City Creek for a little bit. Danny and I stopped inside Deseret Book where he bought a new white blank journal. His anniversary gift to me was a book he made that he titled ‘The Eternity Book’. Over the last year he has secretly been keeping ticket stubs and programs from different things that we’ve done. Apparently he didn’t like the book he originally bought so now he’s putting things from the old book into this new journal. He’s making me wait before I can read what he’s written and has so far. His plan is to continue to add onto it as time passes. It’s cute to know that he’s more sentimental and thoughtful than people might realize.
After walking around for a while we went and checked into our hotel ‘The Anniversary Inn’. Last year on our wedding night we stayed in the Egyptian themed room, this year we stayed in the Mountain Hideaway room. You really can’t go wrong with any of the rooms at that hotel. After checking into the hotel we went to Olive Garden for dinner. We must have been hungry because we ate everything off of our plates . . . yummy. It also was at the perfect location because it was across the street from the Capital Theater where we finished the night watching ‘Wicked’. I bought tickets for this night almost six months before. Danny liked the show and now he finally understands why I love it so much.
It’s now been a year and one week since we got married and I still feel blessed to be by his side. People warned us that the first year of marriage would be hard, thankfully we have no clue what they were talking about and we’d like to keep it that way for a very long time (we’re thinking eternity).

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