Friday, August 22, 2014

Growing Love

I can't believe it has now been one whole year since I became Danny's wife. I've said this before and I will say it again, "I feel a million percent blessed and lucky that he chose me to be his eternal companion." My husband has the ability to make me fall in love with him over and over again and he definitely has me smitten.
I am not the same person that Danny met on 12/12/12, nor am I the same person who officially became his girlfriend shortly after. Without a doubt I am not the same person who knelt across from him in the sealing room last August. I love knowing that he fell in love with who I was but what is even better than that is knowing that he is in love with who I am today. It is the same both ways. I am head over heels in love with the man he has become. We are both changing constantly and this is a good thing.
One day we will both be old with a head of white hairs and faces full of winkles looking back on our decades of anniversaries and hopefully still looking forward to many more while here in our mortal state. By that point our love for each other will be even stronger and more meaningful. I still can't fully comprehend or imagine how I could possibly love him more than I do today but from what I have learned from my time with him is that I know that love is also something that can progressively grow.
We still have forever to go but until then I will continue to date and love my husband. With every fiber of my existence I love Daniel George. I loved him yesterday, I love him today and I will love him forever.

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